Personal details

Jens W. - Remote

Jens W.

Timezone: Berlin (UTC+1)


Certified Senior Cloud Architect - Designing cost-effective serverless solutions with service security, data protection, compliance and scalability in mind.

  • matching best of bread cloud solutions with customer requirements
  • approaching data integration through API-first microservices to design flexible solutions for observability, resiliency, portability
  • transforming an on-premise software into a self-service SaaS offering
  • building serverless APIs to provide connectivity to business partners (B2B) as well as customers (B2C)

Throughout my career, I supported clients within various industry sectors like Logistics, Finance and Trading, Retail, Energy, and Telecommunications.

Work Experience

API Meister Consulting GmbH | Oct 2017 - Present
AWS Lambda
Tibco esb
Openapi specification
Consultency focused on integration tasks, such as Salesforce integration, SAP integration as well as legacy ESB integration. Building secure APIs and exposing those to B2B or B2C clients.
Solution Architect
Faiz & Siegeln GmbH | Jul 2010 - Sep 2016
Tibco esb
Providing integration consulting with the specialty focus on TIBCO technologies. Also working on an internal product to improve observabilty throughout a whole TIBCO stack (project nJAMS).


Provide a regionally distributed API Gateway
API Gateway
Tibco esb
Wso2 ballerina
Due to the current service landscape of the customer, we found that most commercially available API gateways are not prepared to provide its functionality across multiple regions/continents within a consolidated environment. Therefore we initiated this project to provide a basic API gateway (as a layer architecture) to provide API functionality internally as well as expose a certain subset publicly. All this was created on top of an existing ESB architecture, which also provided basic building blocks for deployment and monitoring.
AWS Lambda
Callable is a SaaS project which aims to provide a serverless integration for SAP systems. It provides OpenAPI access to any SAP-based system through SAP-native mechanisms (SAP JCO). Through the transformation from SAP JCO types into restful interfaces, interacting with such systems is opened to a much broader audience. This system is completely built on serverless components to keep the offset cost at a bare minimum. The licensing also follows a pay-per-use model.