Personal details

Carlos - Remote


Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


I’m a software engineer with a background in web development as well as smart contract development on the Ethereum platform.

Work Experience

Lead Blockchain Engineer
Helbiz | Aug 2018 - Present
Leading the development of products that leverage blockchain technology.
Software Engineer
Aircall | Feb 2018 - Aug 2018
Ruby on Rails
Building features on an already great product while maintaining a scalable architecture.

Personal Projects

Ethereum Smart Contract developmentIconOpenNewWindows
I’ve been coding smart contracts on the Ethereum network almost a year now. Technologies and tools I use include: Solidity, web3.js, Truffle, OpenZeppelin, Oraclize, and React. Projects I’ve worked on include (1) A payment channel implementation, where frequent off-chain transactions can be settled on-chain (2) A geo-location protocol where an ERC20 token was used as payment for the protocol’s services and (3) An ERC721 token for fantasy league competition entries