Personal details

Greg N. - Remote full-stack developer

Greg N.

Timezone: Warsaw (UTC+2)


I am a software engineer experienced in building networking services. I always strive to produce simple designs, adhering to core principles of software engineering (e.g. SOLID, Command-Query Separation, Law of Demeter). Automation, especially test automation, is a significant part of my workflow. This, coupled with Continuous Integration, allows me to work at a much faster pace.

As a manager I built a team around Kanban, frequent iterations, retrospectives and automation. Design discussions, code reviews and testing were integral parts our process.

I worked on distributed file systems, HTTP API-s, networking services, scrapers and web apps, I programmed in C++, PHP, Python, Ruby, ActionScript and JavaScript. I was a software engineer and a manager/technical leader. I worked on-site and remotely from a home office. The software I wrote was hosted in the data center and in the cloud.

Linux is my operating system of choice and the most comfortable UI for it is a terminal. I feel comfortable working on a local machine and on a remote server. In addition to software engineering I can also perform some administrative work.

Work Experience

Greg Navis Consulting | Nov 2015 - Present
Ruby on Rails
- Digital products prototyping, design, and development. - Full-stack development. Examples: mobile app backend, VoIP customer support system. - Infrastructure automation. - Development workflow automation. - PostgreSQL performance tuning. - Product, design, and development consulting.
Software Engineer
LucaLabs | Feb 2018 - Aug 2018
Ruby on Rails
- Built generic financial reporting code and used it to generate balance sheets and income statements. - Implemented Active Model-based form objects and PORO-based command objects. - Introduced Stimulus.js and built plenty of components, including an interactive invoice editor. - Implemented an email-based invoice delivery system based on AWS SES and SQS. - Increased compatibility with older browsers, especially IE11.