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Personal details
Erwin L.
Brisbane (UTC+10)
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Technical skills
Storage Infrastructures・25 yrs
Storage Area Networks・25 yrs
Linux・20 yrs
Storage design and infrastructure management.
Long term Unix/Linux experience.
Very familiar with virtual infrastructures, cloud and containers platforms.
Good networking skills.
Familiar with scripting tools, development IDE's (VSCode, NetBeans)
Solid experience with version control systems. (GitLab, Git, etc.)
Capacity and performance planning.
Expert in designing storage architectures with a broad range of knowledge of most of the manufacturers equipment and software.
Strong focus on customer business level requirements and translation into technical feasible solutions.
Excellent technical analysis and troubleshooting skills.
Good TCP/IP and Ethernet knowledge including troubleshooting with tools like tcpdump, wireshark etc.
Expert in FibreChannel SAN analysis and troubleshooting.