Personal details

Edmund H. - Remote full-stack developer

Edmund H.

Based in: 🇦🇺 Australia
Timezone: Melbourne (UTC+10)


A self-motivated and experienced full-stack software engineer with a Master of Computer Science (RMIT) and keen interests in building extensible and maintainable software for highly-scalable projects. A proven record for delivering projects and working closely with CTOs. Some notable apps include LiveWire (Game marketing), ReStore (Hilco Retail), Simple Scheduling (Bound), Handdii (Insuretech) and Rulo (Curio Research Technology) in global teams.

Work Experience

Software Engineer
Shadowboxer | May 2022 - Dec 2022
Phoenix Framework

Shadowboxer accelerates founders on a mission. Started in 2020 from

the team that brought you Isobar and Visual Jazz, Shadowboxer punches

above its weight, working directly with founders to build brands and

launch their products. I was brought into the development team on a

mature Elixir project that was already in production across retail teams in

the USA. This project required an admin reporting facility with advanced

filtering, pagination, permissions and navigation. Much of this required

complex aggregations using unioned SQL queries for performance

requirements, rather than using simpler views. Therefore, some query

preloading considerations had to be made and were successfully

achieved. The project was handed over in December. I brought a

functional programming mindset to this team and refactored technical

debt by bringing cohesion into a fairly evolved and convoluted backend,

consolidating overly complex reasoning in the codebase and adopted

named-bindings, which is an advanced feature of Ecto Query that

enabled query composition and reuse. Following this, I worked on the

LiveWire MVP, which required a GraphQL API within 4 weeks of my

injection into the project under a Senior developer, who was new to this

technology. Although this was not realistically achievable with the

resources we had (I was also to be married late November), on this

project I successfully delivered the initially defined GraphQL queries and

mutations, endpoint resolvers and their contexts constituting ~10K LOC

net with ~30% test coverage prior to my leave before Christmas.