Personal details

Major I. - Remote

Major I.

Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


I specialize in full stack web application development. While at Duo Security, a leader in leader in multi-factor authentication, I wrote integrations for third party applications to use a two-factor cloud service. I founded where I built tools for predicting the profitability of products purchased through retail arbitrage and sold online. While at Nokia I built visualizations and data models of network traffic from large telecom providers.

I graduated from EMU (Eastern Michigan University) with a Bachelors in Computer Information Systems, an education that’s part business and part computer science. To me a software developer is a professional with an understanding of the business, an intimate understanding of the technology, and the knowhow to leverage both for the benefit of the business.

It is my reward in life to make a living building great businesses and products, sharing my knowledge and experience, and helping others reach their goals and enrich their lives.

Work Experience

Software Developer II
HEB | Jul 2018 - Present
Angular 5
Hibernate ORM
Replacing mainframe supply chain application used internally for warehouse order fulfillment and store replenishment. ● Worked with offshore development team ● Building web application and endpoints in Angular6 and Django2.1 ● Developed RESTful Web Services ● Configure SAML federated authentication ● Additional experience: ○ Java Script, ReactJS, Bootstrap, Material Design, Java / J2EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Django
Frontend Software Engineer
Nokia | Jun 2017 - Jul 2018
Python twisted
Frontend SoftwWrote automated acceptance and integration tests in Python using the Behave framework ● Wrote JS unit tests using Mocha, Chai, Sinon ● Converted legacy es5 JavaScript into es6, and implemented new es6 features such as arrow functions, destructuring, classes, ● Setup frontend build system using grunt and yarn to compile and bundle ● Wrote javascript client to query OLAP cube through RESTful endpoints ● made Highcharts & D3js visualizations for OLAP cube data ● Built data models to encapsulate attributes and logic of abstract concepts such as OLAP cube slices and measures ● Organized development work using Git feature branch workflow (branch-PR-merge) ● Participated in code reviews on Github ● Tracked work tickets in Jira and documented code in confluence ● Developed applications in VMs and containers using vagrant and docker ● Additional experience: ○ SQLAlchemy (an ORM), Python twisted web server, webpackare Engineer