Personal details

ChunGuang L. - Remote

ChunGuang L.

Timezone: Kyiv (UTC+3)


Welcome to visit my profile!

I am a passionate Full Stack Developer with more than 7 years of hands-on experience in various fields of web and mobile projects.
Having enjoyed working with different clients, I always look for chances to share my profound background and experiences.
My major skill sets include modern web technologies and languages like Golang, Node.js, React.js, Angular, Vue.js, Typescript, and so on.
My core values in client relationships include respect, honesty, and punctuality.
I am open to all types of challenges and you will surely enjoy working with me.

Languages: C/C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Golang
Frameworks and Libraries: React.js, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery
Database: MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL
Cloud Service: AWS, Google Cloud Console, Heroku, CPanel
CI/CD: Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes
Project Management: Git, SVN, Bitbucket, Jira, Trello

Thank you for reading my profile!

Work Experience

Nodejs Developer
BillsGlide Ltd | Nov 2019 - Jun 2020
- BillsGlideis a platform aiming at auto-car-registration based on users’ VIN information stored in Firebase and by auto-processing the payment using Stripe API. - Worked on both the front and back end side using stacks like Angular 8, Node.js, Firebase, and 3rd parties like Stripe.
Golang Developer
Auto BC Pty Ltd | Feb 2017 - Oct 2019
Go (Golang)
- Developed a Micro-task management SaaS platform for auto-repair service suppliers, car owners, and insurance companies. - Developed new RESTful API services that work as a middleware between our application and third-party APIs that we will use with Golang. - Using GO, developed a microservice for reading a large volume of data(millions) from PostgreSQL database.