Personal details

Dan B. - Remote full-stack developer

Dan B.

Based in: 🇺🇸 United States
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


Full-Stack Software Engineer

  • Software engineer with 8+ years of experience building full-stack MVPs and APIs, mostly in Ruby on Rails
  • A bunch of experience with React, jQuery and vanilla JavaScript

Data Science

  • Experienced in data science (both in R and Python)
  • MS in Analytics from Georgia Tech
  • Experienced in numpy/pandas, regression, classification, and other machine learning models

For bigger projects, I have experience leading dev teams (including designers) and being a product manager.

Work Experience

Associate Instructor, Regression Analysis
Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology) | Aug 2021 - Present
I helped teach a graduate Regression Analysis course (ISYE 6414) that covered ... well, regression: linear, multiple linear, logistic, poisson ... the list goes on. The class is awesome, and I’ll probably help teach it again this summer.
CTO / Lead Developer
Occam Education | Jan 2014 - Present
Ruby on Rails

I've been the lead developer of our Rails monolith, which now has a dedicated API for our mobile client. I've worked about daily in Rails for last 8 years. I'm pretty familiar with all the technologies (Heroku, Devise, Pundit, Hotwire (Stimulus / Drive / Streams) you referenced.


Georgia Institute of Technology
Master's degree・Analytics
Aug 2020 - May 2023
University of East London
Master's degree・Applied Positive Psychology
Sep 2013 - Jan 2015

Personal Projects

Ruby on Rails
Rails API (hosted on Heroku) working with an iOS (Swift) client. There’s an admin site that’s fullstack Rails (using Hotwire a bit). This all came out of internal consulting software that began as a Rails monolith. Eventually I forked the project and built the API when we launched the mobile app (originally React Native; now just an iOS app in Swift).