Personal details

Cynthia K. - Remote

Cynthia K.

Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-5)


I began learning C++ in middle school and went on to attend a technical academy where I studied Web Design and Development for 4 years. Naturally, I chose to major in Computer Science at university and since then, have focused my time on finding valuable experiences to continue learning and helping others.

I have participated in a year long co-op program with a cyber security firm in New York, where I worked on developing a knowledge portal web application and a data visualization GUI for a test automation software. I also interned at JP Morgan, where I worked on a project to enhance data retrieval through the API and developed microservices in Java.

Work Experience

Software Engineering Program
JP Morgan Chase & Co | Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
Unit Testing
Spring Boot
- Enhanced data retrieval channel for aggregators by integrating token authentication between internal microservices into the Chase API architecture using Java and Springboot - Extended internal testing platform using Angular to use new authentication channel to validate quality of data retrieval results for external parties - Created JUnit tests to ensure business logic is maintained and enforce good coding practices
Software Engineer Co-op
Assured Information Security | May 2018 - May 2019
Python 3
- Developed user interface using React, Express, and Node.js for Atlas: a dynamically generated knowledge portal allowing users to search, navigate, and view documentation on SecureView - Implemented search engine, ElasticLunr.js, to query for documents, utilizing results to retrieve text snippets from pages where term was found, page numbers, and document names - Created an object-oriented GUI for a test automation software using the Dash Library in Python - Implemented process in test automation for client to query result of its installation request from the server using Twisted framework in Python

- Developed a free, online job search tool for high school students that included an in-site resume builder, professional outfit guide, and interactive interview questions in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Conducted research on most efficient resume designs to create content for website