Personal details

Brian T. - Remote

Brian T.

Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


Technology leader, blending expertise in full-stack engineering, computer vision, product design and strategy, with results-driven decision making and rapid innovation. Passionate about design thinking, open source, lightweight tooling and platforms. Focused on rapid application of new knowledge, building and nourishing teams, and executing strategies that reach product and technical goals with minimal waste and just-in-time sanity.

Work Experience

Independent Consultant
Self | Jan 2012 - Present
Selected work: - Veeps 2020 — Product/Tech/Design consulting, Python, React and Rails development, Mux integrations for Live Streaming, Twilio and PubNub chat integrations, and more. - TopoHealth 2019/20 — HIPAA/HITRUST platform due diligence, exploring various providers and technology platforms. Data mining of clinical trials, pub med and other government resources to validate point of entry. Rapid design and prototyping of CRM for finding doctors who have participated in clinical trials. - Square, Yakka 2019 — POS admin and Flutter app support, ported Rails app to Node/Express, building out API proxy to Square for supporting a custom POS product for farmers markets. API was consumed by a Flutter app for managing timesheets and payroll. Leverages Firebase/Firestore and custom Square application auth tokens. - Google, Flutter 2018 — Flutter/Dart Material Design Playground for both iOS and Android, as part of the Flutter demo app and v1.0 London GoogleIO launch. - Red River West 2017 — CTO consulting for a French fund, performing due diligence for selected startups targeted for Series A investment and being brought to American market. - Hamilton, Posse 2017 — Designed Action based pub/sub ticketing and e-commerce API, leveraging Cloud Functions, Firebase, TypeScript, and Magento. - Twitter, Facebook 2016 — Dual sponsored project to design and build the first version of the PyTorch brand, website and documentation. Subcontracted designer, Jekyll site. - Digital Ocean 2013 — Product consulting, coaching, worked directly with CEO - RGA (Nike) 2013 — Managed teams and wrote core Javascript for Nike Commerce. - Madbits 2012 — Creative, rapid prototyping, Torch 7 in Lua, Sold to Twitter - VEVO 2011 — Core Android and Javascript developer.
Cinematique | Nov 2014 - Jun 2018
Google BigQuery
Amazon Redshift
React Native
Docker Compose
Selected by Fast Company as a “Most Innovative Company in Video.” Cinematique reimagines the video experience by giving viewers the power to shop, share, and learn more about the people, places and things on screen. Designed and built a touchable video platform, developing post-production tools, editors, a robust API and video player SDKs for adapting popular players into touchable technology. Scaled custom analytics pipelines to upwards of 1M requests per day. Transformed raw data into SQL for customer BI tools. Built teams of FTE and contractors, and managed various vendors including designers. Designed and managed a number of product management and success pipelines using Trello. Trained and fostered our product, success and analytics team members, creating a culture of learning and data-driven decision-making using products like Mixpanel, IntercomIO and Periscope Data.

Personal Projects

Google Flutter Gallery
Built a material design demo gallery for the Flutter gallery app and v1.0 release.