Personal details

asolenzal - Remote full-stack developer


Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-4)


Fell in love with programming when I was 8 using Pascal, since then I have studied and learned all kinds of stuff to increase my knowledge and to keep it up to date. I specialized in web development in a full stack fashion since 2009 and today I'm still learning and trying to succeed in my field.

Work Experience

Senior Full Stack Developer
Admios | Sep 2018 - Present
Worked as a Full Stack developer in a multi platform project that required advanced knowledge of Javascript, ExpressJs, Elasticsearch, Coffee Script, Backbone, React, MongoDb and performance optimization techniques. Created a custom DSL(Domain Specific Language) for the company using ANTLR, designed the language, the parser and reverse parser.
Senior Web Developer
Blasco Agropecuaria SA. | Apr 2017 - Nov 2017
Laravel 5
Zebra programming language
Angular 2
Creating a custom ERP and integrating information from many sources via custom APIs. Development process included Laravel, Angular, C#, Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) and other cool stuff. The most interesting part was to bound a Zebra Barcode Printer to a web interface.