Personal details

Amandeep - Remote data engineer


Based in: đŸ‡©đŸ‡° Denmark
Timezone: Stockholm (UTC+2)


Have worked on large assignments of Domain Driven Design, Event Driven architecture journeys and deployment using Confluent Kafka
I am Confluent Certified Kafka Developer and Certified SAFe DevOps Practitioner

Work Experience

Principal Developer
BEC | Aug 2019 - Present
Apache Kafka
Transitional Architecture Education and Knowledge activities Kafka Reference Application Development for Event Driven Architecture
VP Engineering
Ernitℱ | May 2016 - Present
Sep 17 - now * Design changes Implementations to comply with "Privacy by Design" across Ernit Architecuture * Exploring where REST can be replaced with faster alternatives like gRPC & Protobuffers * Leading IoT & Platform Cybersecurity Compliance efforts towards UL2900-1 April 17 - September 17, CTO * Architecting & Developing Ernit Bank API Integration with Spar Nord Bank * Gateway Setup in hybrid cloud security strategy and integrating with semi-legacy banking backend * Convincing Ecosystem on using appropriate API Error codes inline with RFC 7807 Aug 16 - Apr 17, VP-Engineering * Building APIs First Strategy around Microservices, Messaging Middleware, and IoT Integration buildup * Overseeing iOS/Android/web development with backend API building & firmware development * Incorporating Cybersecurity measures by architecting the Backend & IoT Security * Building Compliance towards COPPA (Child Online Privacy and Protection Act) in Deployment * Setting up Multichain Blockchain Backend and Uphold Crypto-wallet integration May 16 - August 16, Lead Developer * Building micro-services for IoT Piggybank to contact ERNIT Server * Coding custom connectors for banking and digital wallets * Setting up AMQP/RabbitMQ message broker for pushing IoT component notifications * Working with globally located developers towards iOS, Firmware, and Pig Hardware team * Scripting, Bots, Slack, Zendesk, Geckoboard,, and Zapier