Personal details

Alessandro C. - Remote

Alessandro C.

Timezone: Amsterdam (UTC+2)


I am post-doctoral reasearcher at the department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology. My present research project focuses on

  • formulating mathematical models (discrete and continuous) describing the behavior of pedestrians walking in crowds
  • collecting massive experimental data on walking pedestrians & developing a measurement technology.

A significant part of my research project is focused on the development of data acquisition systems which automatically and reliably track the motion of pedestrians in real world scenarios.
These systems are based on multiple Kinect 3D-range sensors, and are now installed in two locations: at Eindhoven University and at Eindhoven train station.
By means of such systems, I obtained an unprecedented statistical database constituted of 5M+ pedestrian trajectories which I use as a reference in the modelling process for phenomenological analysis, calibration and validation.

Before my Ph.D. I was intern at the group of Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where I developed the first version of the core code of 'LAPS', Los Alamos Plasma Simulator.

Beside Mathematical Modelling my interests are Computational Science and High Performance Computing, Computer Vision, Computer Programming and scalable Code Design.