Personal details

Kevin W. - Remote

Kevin W.

Timezone: Central America (UTC-6)


I am a passionate full-stack developer based in Costa Rica. I started learning web development by myself at the age of 12. When I’m not doing client work or spending time with my family, I’m constantly trying to improve my skills by learning new technologies or maintaining Open Source software. When I create a project that is intended to be consumed by other developers, my main focus is the developer experience.

Work Experience

Senior Consultant
Freelance | Jan 2009 - Present
React Native
Apollo Client
Tailwind css
AWS Amplify
Vercel - Help companies and teams deliver high-quality products. - Development of complex data-driven web and mobile applications. - Setup Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipelines. - Understand and develop client requirements. - Talent acquisition advice. - Research and development. React has been my preferred library for building both web and mobile applications since 2015. I have delivered statically generated and server-side rendered web applications including e-commerce solutions, fintech applications, SAAS, and more. I also maintain Open Source projects widely used by the React community. When the project doesn’t need a custom backend, I like using either AWS Amplify or Firebase to iterate faster while using bullet-proof solutions. My favorite technology for developing backend applications and command-line interfaces is Next.js if the project requires a REST API my go-to framework is Express.js, although my personal preference is GraphQL, using tools like Apollo Server and GraphQL Nexus to ease the development process. For database development, I like using Prisma, because it has first-class support for TypeScript and at the same time lets me use any database engine I want to.
Senior Software Engineer
BoltSource | Apr 2019 - Feb 2020
A dedicated team of artisanal designers, engineers, and practitioners that CTOs trust to deliver. We ❤️ FOSS


👔 Elegant form management primitives for the react hooks era. ## Featured in: - [React Status #132]( - [JavaScript Weekly #431](
AWS Amplify
🎣 AWS Amplify libraries wrapped with React hooks ## Featured in: - [AWS Amplify twitter](