Personal details

Fabian O. - Remote

Fabian O.

Timezone: Amsterdam (UTC+2)


Need a prototype of your idea, proof of concept or a full fledged (web) application? I am here to help.

iOS and Android in the time of 1 app? With Flutter I can realise this for you.

Software engineer with thorough hands-on experience in multiple facets of software land.

Empathic team player. Skilled communicator with both clients and team members. Excellent problem solver with an open-minded approach.

Work Experience

Interim Lead Developer
Coqtail BV | Apr 2018 - Present
Ruby on Rails
Image Processing
Spree Commerce
Coqtail is an ecommerce agency focused on fashion and lifestyle brands. Within coqtail I manager the development of their Plug and Play system. This system has been tailor made for fashion. Customers could choose from a range of functionalities to add to their shop. A ReactJS frontend connected to the backend API. Every client has their own ERP system(s). These systems could be simply connected by a XML or JSON mapping. Third party marketplaces like Zalando, and Amazon could be connected via a range of configurable in house integrations.
Interim Lead Developer
The crowd at work | May 2017 - Apr 2019
Ruby on Rails
The crowd at work is a SAAS solution primarily focussed on the utility sector. The goal was a crowdsourcing solution that would take the load of customer service teams in the broadest sense within utility companies. The pilot was focussed on Qurrent and Greenchoice. Within the companies, there was a struggle to efficiently handle energy and gas meter reading validation failures. We developed a way to visually represent the data of the meter readings which resulted in a clear pattern in common failure reasons. On top of that, we developed a set of algorithms that could detect certain types of common mistakes within meter failures programmatically. Combined the system could detect 96% of common meter failure types. The system was set up in a modular fashion. This meant any type of crowd sourceable workload could be added as a module. Each individual worker in the worker pool would undergo a screening and got qualifications assigned. These could be fixing meter failures, translate french or fix complex math issues. Based on these qualifications the worker would be allowed to complete tasks in that scope. Task result quality could be tested with peer tests (another worker verifying the result of another worker), golden questions (a task of which the system knew the outcome already) and duration testing (if a task was completed faster than average any of the other QA mechanisms would be deployed earlier) I was responsible for the complete technical architecture, development strategy, development, third party integrations and client integration.


Harvey is a side project being developed for the EMC (erasmus medical center) focussed on eliminating common errors in health insurance declarations. Simply said there are certain rules which need to be followed when declaring procedures to the health insurance. Those rules are poorly documented. The Harvey app incorporated those rules and allows surgeons to create a declaration with ease by smart searching procedures, procedure codes or diagnosis. By intuitively displaying and enforcing the rules and limitations of their declaration the surgeons don’t have to redo their declarations when they are denied.
Spree Mollie Gateway
Ruby on Rails
Spree Commerce
The Mollie payment provider integrates with as many e-commerce platforms as possible. Instead of having all the required knowledge for all platforms in house they outsource the maintenance of the integrations. Any issues on GitHub are dealt by my and new mollie features are added to the integration. This side project is ongoing but barely every requires my attention. I guess that must be a good thing :)