Personal details

Noelia F. - Remote

Noelia F.

Timezone: Buenos Aires (UTC-3)


My name is Noelia Franco. I'm a Frontend Engineer with more than 6 years of experience working with Javascript and a lot of different JS frameworks and technlogies, like Node.js, Angular.JS/Angular2, REACT, Ember.js and others. I am also very familiar with HTML and particularly with the new HTML5 features.

Beside all my Javascript skills, I always like to work on the UI side of an application, creating user friendly applications following the best UX standards. I have a lot of experience on CSS and CSS3, creating a good markup and a easy-to-mantain CSS. I worked with different CSS frameworks, like Bootstrap, Pure, Foundation and also with CSS Preprocessors, like LESS and SASS.

I love to learn new things, I always try to be updated and use the latest technologies, doing courses and creating POC applications to understand better the concept. I also like to train new developers and share my knowledge as much as I can.

I have experience leading teams, working directly with the client to define specifications and the software cycle. I have been using "Agile" in most of my projects and handling the sprint and releases necessaries to delivery in time and with the expected coding standards.