Personal details

Uddish V. - Remote

Uddish V.

Timezone: Dublin (UTC+1)


“With great power comes great responsibility and when things are initiated, they open up the doors of curiosity.”
Technology stands at the forefront of modern human lives and brings with it an immense amount of impact that matters.

In my experience of working with companies like CERN, Intercom and SquadStack, I have learnt a great deal on building amazing user interfaces and in the process, fell in love with the craftsmanship.

Leadership is not easy and in times when I got to lead teams and people, I gave them the best I had and grasped new teachings from them as we went, which further enhanced what I can give.

Dynamism, passion and unwavering love for all things technology is what I bring to the table and I’d love to share my experiences with others while absorbing what they can give me so I can serve them better in the future.


Work Experience

Product Engineer II
Intercom | Jun 2021 - Present
Ruby on Rails
We at Intercom obsess about our customer's success. The role is filled with complex and interesting challenges. • Currently working on Intercom's appstore product. • Working and managing Intercom's Salesforce integration which is used by a lot of customers and is a good revenue store. • Worked on adding critical permissions to the system for free/paid users.
Product Engineer II
SquadStack | Mar 2021 - Jun 2021
React Native
Lead mobile developer (Auctm). Developed and deployed Auctm using React Native with minimal framework experience. Onboarded and mentored engineers on to the new team and led the project from product perspective


Flight Viewer
Apache cordova
Flight-Assistant is a MEAN stack application that can be built into a Mobile Application for Android, iOS and Window platform. It is build using Ionic and Cordova platform for the ease of flight passengers to get the latest updates of their flights and other helpful information. It includes a list of features: ⁃Search flight details with all the information like departure and arrival time. ⁃Delay in flight and gate number of the airport from which flight is departing. ⁃Add their flight in their history portal. ⁃An interactive google map is shown from the destination to the arrival city. ⁃See the weather condition of the nearby places as well as arrival and departure airports. ⁃Search nearby places like fun spots, restaurants, hotels, bars, etc. near arrival airport. ⁃Share cab from the airport to the destination with their co-passengers.
One stop destination to access your academic data, events, major happenings for IP University The application developed was installed by 1000+ students in a single day.