Personal details

Taimoor N. - Remote product UI/UX designer

Taimoor N.

Based in: 🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates
Timezone: Abu Dhabi (UTC+4)


Hello, my name is Taimoor and I am a UI/UX Designer with over 5 years of experience. I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of startups in different industries such as fintech, e-commerce, SaaS, and mobile app design. My expertise lies in creating user-centered designs that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and easy to use.

I have a strong understanding of user-centered design methodologies, and I have experience conducting user research, creating wireframes, prototyping, and conducting usability testing. I am well-versed in design software such as Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma.

I am a problem-solver at heart and I thrive when working on complex projects that require out-of-the-box thinking. My design philosophy is all about creating a seamless user experience by understanding the user's needs, pain points, and goals. I believe in using data-driven design principles, and I am well-versed in using tools such as heat maps, user testing, and A/B testing to validate my design decisions.

I am a team player and have experience leading projects from concept to launch. I have a strong ability to work well under pressure and I am comfortable communicating with cross-functional teams, including engineering and product management.

I am excited to bring my skills and experience to a new team and help create innovative and user-friendly products that make a difference in people's lives.

Work Experience

Senior Product Designer
Remarketed | Jan 2023 - Present
Responsive Design
User Testing
Product Design
Interface Design
Mobile App Design
User Interface Engineer
Ecommerce marketing

Creating company's product, worked on more than 6 products from the ground up, partnered up with and work been featured in Netherlands


AI-Based Legal Assistant
Web Design
Product Design
Interface Design
Mobile App Design
SaaS design
Currently building Pakistan's first AI-Powered legal assistant for both B2B and B2C


Information technology university
Bachelor's degree・computer science
Sep 2016 - Oct 2020