Personal details

Mukul K. - Remote back-end developer

Mukul K.

Based in: 🇮🇳 India
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-7)


I’m Mukul. You like high performance applications with less resource consumption? Hire me :) Full Stack developer with over ten years of experience developing cloud-native micro-services aligned with CNCF standard, high performance P2P distributed systems for high volumes of computations, Fintech back-end, Business logic(rule engines/lead distributions), Analytics app(CXM/ML modeling) etc.

Primary Tech stacks that I have been using are as follows:

• GoLang: 6-7 Years

• Python(4+ years)

• PHP(symfony, CI)

• React Js (2 years)

• AWS/GCP stack(4-5 years)

• Docker/K8s : 4 years • Tech Lead: 3 years(capgemini) Most project I have delivered so far are fully containerized. I have also developed custom controller and operators on K8s. Python, mostly worked developing REST api(flask) and classification models (ML) using TensorFlow on opensource datasets. Developed ETL pipelines for data aggregator applications.

On Front-end side, developing React component and integrating data from server via API that i built myself. Besides react, I have worked on several JavaScript libraries like jQuery, D3 charts and hundreds of node packages. Team lead: Besides project leading and sole contributions, I have worked as Team Lead at one company where I was responsible for end-to-end project development and resource management.

Open for interviews on your projects :)


Work Experience

Sr. software engineer
Google cloud(c2h) | Jun 2020 - Mar 2022
Google Cloud Platform
Data Migration
Go (Golang)
AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Migrating clients service from various non-GCP cloud to GCP. primarily worked on Golang project


2021 |
Go (Golang)
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Worked for approximately 14 months. In this project, I developed serverless (lambda) APIs that were consumed by a mobile app and a Reactbased frontend. The project consisted of various modules, including OCR, body scanning through devices, and video calls. To manage the large number of lambda functions, we utilized CloudFormation templates, which streamlined the deployment process for approximately 2025 lambda functions. For comprehensive logging, we incorporated AWS X-Ray and also utilized Rollbar as a third-party logging tool specifically for lambda functions. Integration was a crucial aspect of the project, and we successfully integrated Dosepot, Twilio, and Stripe to enhance the functionality and capabilities of the application. For local development and testing, I used Docker to run MongoDB and simulated the serverless environment using the "sls –offline" command. Additionally, we employed Jenkins for continuous deployment (CD), ensuring efficient and automated release management.


Bachelor's degree・Computer science
Mar 2009 - Nov 2012