Personal details

kolawole O. - Remote full-stack developer

kolawole O.

Software Developer
Based in: 🇿🇦 South Africa
Timezone: Pretoria (UTC+2)


Full Stack Developer with over 12 years of experience of comprehensive expertise in Web and Mobile Development, UI/UX & Design in languages such as JavaScript/ES6/ES201, Python, Java, PHP, including Back-end Development (Kotlin, NodeJS, Django, GraphQL, REST API, etc) and Cloud Computing (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.), Testing, DDD/TDD, Git expert.

Work Experience

Software Developer
Volkswagen Digital Solutions | Jun 2022 - Nov 2022
Spring Boot
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Volkswagen Digital Solutions (VWDS) is boosting VW Group's Digital journey. Innovating by exploring new paths through new learnings and ideas. ⇢ Helped with API integration and migration of several location services to meet new requirements for an IOT based infrastructure.
Technical Lead
Ambee Services | Jan 2020 - May 2022
Payment gateway
Google Cloud Platform
A South African ride hailing solution built for the safety of our clients and our drivers. We believe in both driver rights and rider rights and have tailored Ambee’s solutions to deliver what everybody is asking for in the ride hailing industry. ⇢ Develop using Ionic-Angular and Firebase UI Frontend apps and services with technologies such as ReactJS, Figma, GraphQL, REST, Ionic, Android, WordPress, NodeJS, Firebase Cloud Functions ⇢ The team designed Ambee’s UI Kit using Figma and Sketch and implemented best practices for testing using Jasmine and Cypress for Unit Testing and end-to-end testing. ⇢ Integrating third party services for security, chats, payment integration using Stripe, Firebase, Paystack, and other related services.


React Native
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Black African Media Entertainment is going to release a live and pre-recorded streaming platform that focuses entirely on originally created contents by the company or acquired by B.A.M.E through the overly talented African citizens. I helped the human resource department with the recruitment of the development team, and work on the design of cloud service architecture on Amazon AWS. Technologies Used: AWS Amplify, React Native, React, AWS Elemental MediaLive, Amazon S3, AWS Elemental MediaPackage and more.


Federal University Of technology, Akure
Bachelor's degree・Physics(Electronics)
Oct 2009 - Nov 2014

Certifications & Awards

Top 1% Coders