Join ICOMAT – Revolutionising the Future of Lightweight Manufacturing!
At ICOMAT, we are transforming the future of aerospace and automotive with groundbreaking technology that delivers the lightest, most efficient composite structures ever produced. Our advanced manufacturing solutions are setting new standards in scale, speed, and cost-efficiency, far surpassing traditional composite production methods
As a rapidly growing company in the field, we’re on a mission to enable the next generation of lightweight cars, planes, and spacecraft. Our team is driven by a shared passion for innovation, creativity, and a vision to revolutionise the use of composite materials across industrie
ICOMAT operates at the cutting edge of automated manufacturing, with three core divisions, Automated Production Machines, Software Design and Production Tools and Factory Operatio
ns.We’re proud to work with over 25 leading customers, including major OEMs, and have recently secured the largest-ever Series A funding round in composites manufacturing. This funding will fuel our ambitious growth plans, including expanding our operations into Europe and the United States in the next 2-3 yea
We’re seeking a Senior Software Engineer to develop and maintain critical software tools, products and integrations for engineering workflows, enabling our customers to easily and quickly leverage iCOMAT’s world-leading composites manufacturing process. This exciting role combines command-line tool development, cross-platform desktop application development, as well as plugin creation for some of the most advanced CAD/CAM/CAEsystems in existence, requiring a unique blend of technical depth and breadth, passion for computer graphics, manufacturing and simulat
What will you be doin
- g? 🤔Design and develop robust command-line tools to streamline engine
- eringworkf
- lows.Lead the development of across-platform desktop application using P
- ythonCreate and maintain plugins for major CAD/CAM/CAE software platf
- orms.Architect solutions that ensure seamless integration between va
- riousengineering tools and sys
- tems.Collaborate with engineering teams to understand workflow require
- mentsand optimise tool functiona
- lity.Implement best practices for testing, documentation, and deploy
What do we need from y
- ou? 💪Exceptionally strong expertise in Python software development, including building maintainable, modular applications using asynchronous programming par
- adigmsCreating command-line and graphical user int
- erfaceLeveraging existing libraries as well as creating extensions when necessary to interface with existing lib
- rariesExpert understanding of software architecture and system design prin
- ciplesExperience with version control systems (Git) and CI/CD pip
- elinesExcellent problem-solving skills and attention to
- detailLeadership expe
You are probably a great match if you, additionall
- y have:Experience with cross-platform desktop application framework
- s (e.g.Electron, Qt
- , etc.)Passion for pushing the envelope in Python software deve
- lopmentFamiliarity with Engineering workflows and pr
- ocessesKnowledge of 3D Geometry, manufacturing process or engineering a
- nalysisExperience with cross-platform software development and dep
- loymentContributions to relevant open-source p
- to have:Experience with one or more major CAD/CAM/CAE platfor
- ms (e.g.SOLIDWORKS, AutoCAD, CATIA, Siemens NX, Abaqu
- s, etc.)Knowledge of co
- mpositesBackground or strong interest in mechanical engineering, manufacturing or relate
d fields
- y iCOMAT?Competitive Salary & Benefits: We offer a comprehensive benefits package, including private healthcare, pension scheme, and employee stock options under our EM
- I Scheme.Career Growth Opportunities: Join us at a pivotal time as we scale up, offering unmatched professional growth opportunities in the rapidly advancing field of composite m
- aterials.Innovation-Focused Culture: We pride ourselves on our inclusive, forward-thinking work environment. Recognized by Bloomberg as a "UK Startup to Watch," iCOMAT celebrates diversity and encourages all applicants, regardless of background,
- to apply.Global Impact: Be a part of our mission to redefine lightweight structures for the automotive, aerospace, and space industries, working with some of the most influential companies w