VCU School of Nursing
Flexible on-site
The team generally works at the office, but is provided with flexible work options (e.g. option to work remotely part-time).
VCU School of Nursing

About VCU School of Nursing

Virginia Commonwealth University is a prominent urban public research university that offers over 200 degree and certificate programs across various disciplines, emphasizing hands-on learning and creativity while also housing a leading medical center a...

VCU School of Nursing news and updates

Virginia Commonwealth University received financing of $104M in donation on Feb 15th 22'.

Also, Virginia Commonwealth U. has received $104 million for liver research, and a $45 million gift will create the Northwestern Medicine Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute.

Jan 1, 2022 |

VCU Health partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University on Jan 1st 15'.

Established in 2015, the Langston Center is a partnership between VCU Health System and the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Nursing.

Jan 1, 2020 |

Virginia Commonwealth University partners with Integral Group

Additionally, to support this work, VCU will partner with Integral Group, an internationally recognized consulting firm with experience in sustainability and carbon planning for organizations of VCU’s scale and distinction.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley, Inc. partners with Virginia Commonwealth University

To answer these questions, the Community Foundation partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Richmond to conduct the Community Partners Survey.

Jan 1, 2021 |

Virginia Commonwealth University partners with VCU Health

Virginia Commonwealth University, in association with VCU Health System, has announced a partnership with Kallaco Health & Technology to support VCU’s COVID-19 testing strategy for VCU students and employees.

Jan 1, 2020 |

Firefighter Cancer Support partners with Virginia Commonwealth University

The Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) Virginia Chapter has partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University’s Massey Cancer Center to conduct a survey of Virginia firefighters to get a better picture of the cancer problem in the Virginia fire service….

Jan 1, 2022 |

Emerita Gower retired from Virginia Commonwealth University as Professor on Dec 1st 18'.

After 37 years, Professor Emerita Gower retired from Virginia Commonwealth University in December 2018.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University receives financing of $1M in federal funds

Virginia Commonwealth University has received nearly $1 million in federal funds to study gun violence in Richmond as the city experiences an increase in the number of homicides.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation invests into Virginia Commonwealth University in $3.5M

Virginia Commonwealth University and the Virginia Community College System have received a $3.5 million award from the Mellon Foundation to continue the Mellon Pathways to the Arts and Humanities Program, which supports students transferring to VCU.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Jeff South retired from Virginia Commonwealth University as associate professor emeritus on Jan 1st 20'.

Jeff South, an associate professor emeritus who retired from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2020, is serving as a Fulbright specialist in Mongolia, where he is training journalists in data journalism and fact checking.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Terry Austin retired from Virginia Commonwealth University as director of bands on May 16th 22'.

These guests came from as far away as Canada, Texas and Colorado to celebrate the career and impact of Terry Austin, Ph.D., who retired last month after serving as VCU’s director of bands for 36 years.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University partners with Timely Telehealth, LLC

On behalf of member institutions of the Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium, Virginia Tech, James Madison University and Virginia Commonwealth University have entered into a systemwide agreement for telehealth and tele-mental health services with TimelyMD.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University partners with Timely Telehealth, LLC

On behalf of member institutions of the Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium, Virginia Tech, James Madison University and Virginia Commonwealth University have entered into a systemwide agreement for telehealth and tele-mental health services with TimelyMD.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University invests into assets : Arts and Innovation Academic Building in the amount of $181M in Richmond, Virginia, United States

Virginia Commonwealth University is planning to construct the $181 million Arts and Innovation Academic Building in Richmond.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University has issues with violating my protections as an employee

Wilder Visions discussed the lawsuit I have filed against Virginia Commonwealth University for not following its own policy and procedures and for violating my protections as an employee and a citizen.

Jan 1, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University recognized as top 100 research university

Founded in 1838, Virginia Commonwealth University (or VCU) is ranked a top 100 research university by the National Science Foundation and is home to one of the top-ranked public graduate arts schools.

Sep 6, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University will receive award HEED Award on Nov 1st 22'.

This is the fifth time VCU has been named as a HEED Award recipient, and the fourth straight year it has come with special distinction as a Diversity Champion, meaning the university scored in the very top tier of all 2022 HEED Award institutions.

Sep 20, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University hires Erin R. Freeman as director of choral activities

Erin R. Freeman, outgoing associate conductor of the Richmond Symphony, has been appointed to a new joint position as director of choral activities at Virginia Commonwealth University and director of the Richmond Symphony Chorus.

May 27, 2014 |

Virginia Commonwealth University launched institute for liver disease and metabolic health on Dec 1st 21'.

In December 2021, VCU announced its plan to establish an institute for liver disease and metabolic health, building on the successful legacy of its hepatology and liver transplant programs with the goal of becoming a global leader in liver-related research and metabolically driven disorders.

Dec 13, 2021 |

Newsvoir partners with Virginia Commonwealth University

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India (NewsVoir) In a new development that furthers Ahmedabad University’s commitment to advancing internationalisation of higher education in India as outlined in the National Education Policy, the University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) - a leading public institution based in Virginia, USA.

Oct 7, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University launched Ram Bam on Oct 26th 22'.

Virginia Commonwealth University and Hardywood Park Craft Brewery released Ram Bam, a golden pale ale, on Wednesday.

Oct 30, 2022 |

Ellwood Thompson's partners with Virginia Commonwealth University

Ellwood Thompson's is excited to partner with VCU to bring its community more access to locally sourced, sustainable, healthy food.”

Oct 5, 2017 |

Virginia Department of Health partners with Virginia Commonwealth University

The Virginia Department of Health partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University to launch an opioid cost calculator for cities and counties in Virginia.

Nov 25, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University is developing teacher apprentice residency programs

VCU will develop teacher apprentice residency programs in partnership with the school systems in Prince William County, Fairfax County and Surry County.

Dec 6, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University hires Mangala Subramaniam as senior vice provost for faculty affairs

Woo, a professor of industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology in the College of Health and Human Sciences, replaces Mangala Subramaniam, who left Purdue to become senior vice provost for faculty affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Dec 14, 2022 |

Virginia Commonwealth University recognized as 50th-largest public college in the country for research

Virginia Commonwealth University is now the 50th-largest public college in the country for research, based on a survey released last week.

Dec 19, 2022 |
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