20 Machine Learning Interview Questions & Answers to Use

how to answer machine learning interview questions for ML interviews

Use this list of 20 common machine learning interview questions and answers to prepare for your upcoming meeting with a technical recruiter!

New-age technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are being used more and more by companies to make information and services increasingly accessible to the public. The use of these technologies is becoming more widespread across a wide range of industries, including banking, finance, retail, manufacturing, and even healthcare.

A growing number of organizations are looking to hire artificial intelligence engineers, machine learning engineers, and data scientists. If you want to get a job in the field of ML, you need to know machine learning interview questions recruiters and hiring managers could ask you.

This post will walk you through some of the machine learning interview questions and answers you may want to ask your candidate to find the perfect candidate. We divided this article into three levels:

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Basic Machine Learning Interview Questions

These first few are basic ML and MLOps interview questions you want to ask to assess how well your candidate understands machine learning and related data concepts.

1) What is machine learning?

There are a variety of possible motives for posing this question. This question helps you understand your candidate’s fundamental knowledge of machine learning and how it relates to other subjects, such as data science and artificial intelligence, or evaluate its practicality in today’s commercial environment.

As a branch of computer science, artificial intelligence is concerned with the research and development of computers that can mimic certain aspects of human cognition. Artificial Intelligence (AI) relies heavily on machine learning (ML). Using artificial intelligence, we’ve entered a new age, one in which robots are capable of performing autonomous tasks like making decisions in response to forced scenarios.

Without stating anything or giving any substantial instructions, machine learning may automatically identify meaningful information from a large amount of data. Firms have a significant advantage because of this. Increased productivity may be achieved using machine learning. As a consequence, decision-making is simplified, and the business is better able to grow.

Think of yourself as a little, helpless baby. I’m wondering how you went about determining whether or not you could walk. The opposite is true. What methods did you use to come by the information you have? As a consequence of several unsuccessful attempts to get to their feet.

A machine learning model does the same thing. We first educate it that if it holds on to the wall, it will not fall, and only then can we send it across the room on its own two feet. There is a formula for learning, consisting of learning = trial + error.

2) What are the common approaches in machine learning?

This is also a fundamental interview question, as is the one before it. It’s imperative that your candidate understands the differences between these methods. But, even if you can tell one approach from the other, it’s not enough to know the difference. It’s important to know which method is ideal for the situation. An issue may typically be solved in two different ways, so pay attention to that.

In spam detection, for example, you may apply supervised or reinforcement learning.

  • Supervised Machine Learning: A form of algorithm known as supervised machine learning makes use of examples and labels. The idea is to train the computer to correctly identify new data by comparing it to previously labeled instances and by listening to the feedback it receives.
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unsupervised machine learning does not need examples or feedback into the function. As a result of this training, the machine can comprehend and arrange information logically.

To put it another way, the computer does all the work of finding patterns and connections between the data without the need for human intervention.

  • Reinforcement Learning: When a machine learns from its mistakes, it may adapt to its surroundings and make better decisions. To do this, the computer gets input on its accomplishments and faults as well as the behavior of the human operator.

Over time, the computer develops the ability to make appropriate judgments in many situations.

Because an engineer or data scientist has to manually classify a large dataset for supervised learning, the procedure might be prohibitively expensive. To get around this problem, semi-supervised learning was developed, which uses both labeled and unlabeled input in the algorithm’s machine learning process.

Semi-supervised learning is effective for classification or regression when dealing with very imbalanced bases (for anomaly detection, for example). Data from the majority class and data from the minority class would be separated in this situation. What if you want to know whether an animal you’re looking at is a dog or not? Because you love dogs and have a plethora of photographs of them, but few of any other kind, you may want to employ a generative model that takes into account all of the unique characteristics of dog images. In the model’s eyes, any other animal would be considered an abnormality.

Although unsupervised learning is employed in various well-known applications, there are still some drawbacks.

  • Because the data set is not labeled, it is impossible to determine how the data is categorized.
  • Input data is not understood and tagged by people who make the computer do it, hence it might be less precise.
  • In certain cases, the algorithm’s output class does not match the information it gathers.
  • The user must be able to relate the results to the appropriate labels.

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3) What are overfitting and underfitting?

When it comes to statistical machine learning, this question introduces it. Your candidate needs to be aware of overfitting and underfitting to know how well their model is doing or if anything is amiss with the results they’re getting.

Additionally, you may want to ask your candidate to describe how they would deal with each of these issues in detail. Although there are many approaches, and the specifics of each situation determines their use. The greatest way for your candidate to show off their expertise isn’t always to describe all of these methods, since practice may need extremely particular answers.

However, there are a few more popular methods to keep in mind.

Overfitting and underfitting are two of the most common reasons for ineffective generalization in machine learning algorithms. The bias-variance ratio is the first step in understanding these notions.

The bias-variance tradeoff

Generalized predictions may be made using Machine Learning models, which aim to find an equation that best matches the given data. Measurement and optimization of model performance should take into consideration bias and variation.

When we train a model, we usually repeat the process n times, and each time the model is trained, we create a new model, and due to the randomness of the data, therefore, we will have a variety of predictions, thus bias is the distance in general from the predictions to the correct value.

When a model’s predictions for a particular data point differ from what is seen, this is known as the model’s variance. Varying the model’s predictions from one realization to the next is measured by the variance. To put it another way, tiny changes in the training set might cause variation. The higher the variance in the training data, the more likely it is that an algorithm would simulate random noise rather than the expected results.

The bias-variance tradeoff is the challenge of reducing the two errors that prohibit supervised learning systems from generalizing outside their training set.

Overfitting and Underfitting

Statistics uses the word overfitting to describe a statistical model that accurately predicts prior data sets, but is unable to accurately forecast future outcomes.

Biases are widespread in samples due to measurement mistakes or other random causes. This leads to the overfitting of the model. A model that is overfitted has a high level of accuracy when evaluated against its data set, however, this model is not a suitable approximation of reality and should be avoided. These models often have a lot of variation and have plots with many little oscillations, hence convex models are assumed to be representative.

Regulating the cost function may be a way to avoid overfitting since it adds parameters to the cost function. By removing unneeded variables, a more convex model is created, one that is more likely to reflect reality. Through the use of cross-validation, we may determine whether or not our model is underfitting by testing its performance against data that was not included in the model’s initial training.

Excessive model complexity may lead to overfitting, whereas underfitting occurs when it is not possible to effectively describe the connections between data points and a target variable. In the absence of any training data, an underfit model will provide incorrect or problematic outputs. It will also perform badly on data that has been used before for training.

How to deal with overfitting

There is no silver bullet for preventing overfitting. Good practices in performing experimental methods, along with an appreciation of the relevance of this phenomenon, help to reduce this undesired situation. Here are some factors to consider to prevent overfitting.

I) train with additional data

If the learning machine utilized is complicated, in terms of the number of parameters to be modified, one option is to gather additional data to balance the number of parameters vs the number of training instances. Or just select a simpler machine that has fewer parameters.

II) cross-validation

The k-fold cross-validation process is one approach to carry out cross-validation. Data is split into k equal-sized pieces, with k-1 of those pieces being used to train the model and the remaining pieces being used to assess the model’s performance. This is done k times, such that each portion may be used to train and test the model in tandem with the others. In general, cross-validation by itself does not prevent overfitting, but it follows good practice to split the test set and to take turns with the data for better assessment when it comes to generalizing the model to unknown occurrences. A word of caution: k-fold cross-validation should not be used if the data set is sparse.

III) early stopping

The iterative learning process is used by many different types of learning machines. The machine’s settings are constantly being adjusted in response to the data it receives, and this may be seen. You may use this monitoring to determine when is the optimal moment to cease training the machine. It is predicted that the accuracy on the training set would grow with time, while for the validation set, the accuracy should peak and subsequently diminish. This may be a good opportunity to terminate training before the machine overfits the data.

IV) regularization

Regularization is a wide term that incorporates many strategies to develop models that best match the data, avoiding overfitting. An example is the pruning method in a decision tree. This is accomplished by removing a few “branches” from the tree, which simplifies and broadens the tree’s applicability. Other examples of regularization approaches are dropout in neural networks and adding penalty parameters to the cost function.

V) ensemble

Multiple classifier systems (SMC), also known as ensemble learning, is a method for improving the final response of the system by combining the outputs of numerous models. SMCs have obtained better outcomes than the usage of standalone models. This success is attributable to the division of work that is the ethos of this profession. Based on the divide-and-conquer approach, each model that makes up the SMC gets trained on a piece of the training set, and subsequently becomes an expert on that area. Overfitting is less of a problem with this approach since it is resilient to data noise.

How to deal with underfitting

I) increase the number of features in the dataset
The first thing to accomplish when beginning a feature engineering process is to understand all the essential predictor variables that need to be included in the model. Machine learning developers should ask themselves these questions: “Do I have this data?” and “Can I produce this data?” is a good next step.

One of the most typical errors is when developers concentrate on the existing data instead of asking themselves what data is required. As a result of this erroneous belief, crucial information about a company’s operations is overlooked. It’s worth going back to the collecting stage if several of these critical variables aren’t readily accessible for processing. Adding additional features may reveal information that was implicit in the data but critical nevertheless.

II) increase model complexity

As we indicated above, the reason for underfitting is exactly because the model was not able to reflect the complexity of the actual data, showing poor metrics at the time of modeling. When we speak about increasing the complexity of the model, this might signify numerous things. One is to update (or test) customizable parameters.

Another possibility is to train the data using other models, more complicated and robust. However, this will be determined by the nature of your company’s issue. More complicated models tend to be less interpretable.

4) What are the most famous distribution curves and in which scenario can they be applied?

This question tests your candidate’s statistical knowledge. It’s important that they know the common distribution curves and how to identify each of them.

Statistics relies on probability distributions in the same way that computer science relies on databases. If you want to sound like a Data Scientist, you’ll need to know these terms. In the same way that you can write a Python program without knowing object-oriented programming, you can run a rudimentary Machine Learning analysis using R or Python without understanding distributions. A lot of times this leads to problems and tedious debugging, or even worse: incorrect forecasts._

The most common distribution curves are Bernoulli, Uniform, and Binomial distributions, as well as Poisson and Normal curves.

Bernoulli Distribution

There are just two possible outcomes in the Bernoulli Distribution model: SUCCESS or FAILURE.

Whether you choose correctly or incorrectly is determined by whether you answered the questions in the multiple-choice format. A coin toss has two outcomes, heads or tails, and we may model that heads equal success and tails represent failure. Also, if our random event has just two potential outcomes, we may examine the probability using Bernoulli’s distribution.

Uniform Distribution

For purposes of probability distributions, a uniform distribution means that all possible events have the same likelihood of occurring. All four suits are equally likely to be dealt out in a deck, therefore the chances of receiving any particular card are uniformly distributed across the deck. If you flip two coins head-to-head, the odds of receiving either head or tails are the same.

A line drawn from the y-axis at 0.50 depicts the uniform distribution, which may be seen as a straight horizontal line when a coin is flipped and shows up as either head or tail.

Binomial Distribution
The likelihood that an experiment or survey would be a SUCCESS or a FAILURE is known as a binomial distribution, and it is easy to understand. As the prefix “bi” indicates, the binomial distribution is one in which there are only two potential outcomes. There are just two potential outcomes when it comes to a coin toss: heads or tails, and passing or failing a test.

Pay attention that, a binomial distribution is a set of n Bernoulli distributions.

Normal Distribution

The normal distribution, or Gaussian distribution, is a symmetric curve at its midpoint and so bears the iconic bell form. Many business operations and everyday occurrences are represented by the normal distribution curve, such as the average height and weight of a population, the average blood pressure of a group of individuals, or the average time it takes a class of students to finish an exam. The data’s mean, median, and mode are all the same in this case.

Poisson Distribution

There are two types of Poisson distributions: continuous random variable and discrete random variable. The continuous random variable Poisson distribution indicates the likelihood of an event sequence happening within a certain amount of time, independent of when the previous event happened.

Operations research often uses the Poisson distribution to solve administrative issues. The number of police calls received each hour, the number of people coming to a petrol station each hour, and the number of accidents at a certain crossroads each week are all good instances to consider.

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5) What is the difference between a regression problem and a classification problem?

It is imperative that the data scientist first determines if the issue is one of regression or categorization.

Identifying which machine learning algorithm will be utilized is critical since it will affect the whole analysis, from data pre-processing to final prediction, and one of the most basic decisions of the analysis. Regression or classification? Some algorithms are better at one or the other; others may be used in both.


To classify data, one must first establish or develop a model (function) that may be used to sort the information into multiple groups. To classify, the issue group is recognized, which means that the data is grouped according to certain factors and then the labels are projected for the data.

IF-THEN rules, decision trees, and neural networks are all examples of how the generated models might be illustrated. The core nodes of a decision tree contain tests of attributes, and the branches of the tree indicate the results of those tests. Data that can be separated into two or more distinct labels, i.e. two or more sets that are not connected, may be classified.

What if we want to know whether the rain will fall in certain areas? Let’s have a look at an example. As a result, diverse locations might be divided into two categories: wet and dry.


Instead of employing classes, regression seeks a model or function that can separate data into discrete, actual values. The goal of a regression problem is to obtain the best estimate of the function with the smallest error variance, which is done mathematically. Data are projected to be distinguished using regression based on their numerical dependency.

The statistical paradigm for predicting numerical data rather than labels is regression analysis. It is also capable of tracking distribution changes based on current and past data.

There are several examples of regression in which we may discover the probability of rainfall in certain places by using certain characteristics, such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation. The likelihood of rain is high in this scenario. Rather than identifying the areas of the rainfall and unlabeled rainfall, we are classifying them with their associated likelihood.


  • The procedure for Classification is a function that predicts discrete class labels from a set of input data. Instead, regression entails developing a model that can accurately predict a continuous quantity.
  • Decision trees and logistic regression, for example, are classification techniques. Regression trees (such as random forests) and linear regression, on the other hand, are two instances of regression methods.
  • The root mean square error may be used to assess the reliability of a regression model. Classification, on the other hand, is judged by its precision.

Here is the tricky part. We employ regression formulas for regression issues and “non-regression” formulas for classification problems most of the time, however, one of the most popular classification techniques is a regression algorithm!

Regression for categorical outcomes may be done using the same fundamental formula as linear regression, but logistic regression regresses for the likelihood of that result.

For a given input X, linear regression yields a continuous output y. To put it another way, logistic regression yields a P(Y=1) result that may be translated to either zero or one depending on the threshold value of the input X. That’s why the name of logistic regression includes the word “Regression.”

To summarize, logistic regression is a generalized linear model since the result is always determined by the total of the inputs and parameters. In other words, the result cannot be influenced by the product of its parameters!

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6) What is the difference between causality and correlation?

Identifying causality is undoubtedly the most challenging job in data analysis and science, and exactly because of this complexity, we frequently leap to conclusions that might lead to erroneous judgments or often have little influence on enhancing the organization’s outcomes. It’s easy to make the mistake of assuming that just because two variables have a high correlation, it follows that they must be linked in some way and that one event triggered the occurrence of the other.

When two variables are linked, correlation is a measure of how closely they are related. Consider the relationship between the amount of ice cream sold and the temperature: on warmer days, more ice cream is sold. That example, it is said that the amount of ice cream sold increases as the temperature rises.

Causality, which states that a connection exists between two variables, and one is the result of the other; or, put another way, the other is the cause of the other. Continuing with the ice cream sales example, we can see that days with higher temperatures correspond to greater average sales volumes of ice cream. In other words, since people tend to eat more ice cream on hot days, the amount of ice cream sold rises in tandem with the temperature. Using the right theoretical framework, it is possible to infer that rising temperatures are to blame for an increase in ice cream sales in the US.

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7) Explain the differences between normalization and standardization.

The normalization and standardization techniques are important tools when preprocessing the data before starting modeling. Many people confuse the difference between them, so it’s important to know what they are, what it needs to apply them correctly, and when applying them.

Since this is basic knowledge, the interviewer wants to make sure that you know when and how to apply then.


When preparing data for machine learning, normalization is often used. An important part of normalization is to make sure that all data points are mapped to a similar scale without distorting the ranges of values or sacrificing any information. Some algorithms need data normalization to properly model the data.

An example of this would be a collection of input data that has two columns, the first with values from zero to one, the second with numbers between 10,000 and 100,000. When attempting to incorporate the values as features in a model, the considerable disparity in the size of the numbers might be problematic.

Using a scale that applies to all of the model’s numerical columns, normalization fixes these issues by generating new values that preserve the original data’s general distribution and proportions.

If you don’t know the distribution of your data or if you know that the distribution is not Gaussian (a bell curve), normalization is a decent approach to apply. When your data has a wide range of scales and the technique you’re employing doesn’t make any assumptions about the distribution of your data, normalization is beneficial.

Let’s make this with Python?

So, we have our dataset, with one column, just to show how we apply this.

from numpy import random

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

x = random.normal(size=1000)

Now, let’s create our normalization function based on this formula:

def  normalization(x):

return (x - x.min())/(x.max() - x.min())

Now, let’s apply it to our data and display it with a histogram.



We are gonna have this plot.

Pay attention to the x-axis values. They are between zero and one! So, our normalization works!


Standardizing a vector usually involves removing its location from its scale. Gaussian distributions, for example, may be reduced to a “standard normal” distribution with a mean zero and standard deviation one (i.e., the Gaussian distribution).

When comparing measurements with various units, it’s critical to standardize the characteristics around the center and set the standard deviation at 1. There is a risk of developing a bias if the variables are assessed on separate scales.

A Gaussian (bell-curve) distribution of your data is assumed by standardization. Although this isn’t a must, it helps the strategy the most if your characteristics have a Gaussian distribution. Linear regression, logistic regression, and linear discriminant analysis all assume a Gaussian distribution, and standardization is beneficial when your data have variable sizes.

Let’s use Python and test this as well. First, the function.

def  standardization(x):

return (x - x.mean())/x.std()

This function is based on the z-score formula.

Now, let’s scale our data and then, calculate the mean and the standard deviation. The mean must be zero and the standard deviation one.

print(round(standardization(x).mean(), 2))


It works! The mean value is -0,0 and the standard deviation is 1,0.

8) What are outliers and how to deal with them?

When working on data science initiatives, exploratory data analysis is essential. Choosing variables, methods, and hyperparameters is easier when you have a solid understanding of the data you’re working with. Outlier identification is, thus, a critical component of exploratory data analysis.

During the interview, your candidate should demonstrate that they know what the outliers are, how to analyze them, and how to deal with them is the main goal._

Data that stands out from the rest are known as outliers. One or more outliers may be present in a data collection. When an outlier is mishandled, it may have a ripple effect, causing a wide range of difficulties and abnormalities. The outlier impact is seen in statistical analysis. Outliers might have a detrimental impact on the outcomes of data analysis, but they can also be precisely what you’re looking for.

Univariate and multivariate outliers are subcategories of outliers. The existence of an outlier may be confirmed in the first scenario by examining the distribution of a single variable: the distribution of ages. In the “n-dimensional” space, an outlier with several variables may be located. To be able to see it, you need to employ multidimensional distributions.

The true cause for the emergence of an outlier must be determined before it may be eliminated or kept. An error in observation or the execution of an experiment should be eliminated if there are concrete reasons, but if there is no explanation for the appearance of this data, then it may reflect a characteristic of the subject being studied and must therefore be included in the analysis and treated separately.

How to deal with outliers

There are numerous approaches to identify outliers, both univariate and multivariate, each with its merits and downsides. The z-score approach (in the univariate situation) and the Mahalanobis distance method, for example, should be used with care owing to their sensitivity and assumption of normality (in the multivariate case). Modifications of these approaches that employ outlier-resistant statistics like the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) or more robust estimators like the robust Mahalanobis distance may be an option.

Other common approaches nowadays include k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), and Isolation Forest, just to mention a few.

One must constantly remember that the definition of the technique to employ relies on the distribution of the data, the sample size, and the number of dimensions.

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9) What is the lifecycle of a data science project?

A structured procedure is simpler to follow in life, more lucrative, and more trustworthy than improvising endlessly all the time. In a data science profession, it is no different. In this case, it’s hard to have a globally standardized solution, but having a clearly defined cycle is what sets your candidate apart from the rest of the pack. In their day-to-day existence, there is a great possibility that they will not constantly execute in all stages of a project. However, being able to behave confidently in each of these situations is a turning point.

Comprehend the issue and various solutions

For didactic reasons, it is extremely typical that lectures and publications about Data Science start with gathering and analyzing data. Whether you are a member of the Data Science team or corporate management, the first big challenge will be the need to comprehend the issue. Without a thorough grasp of the issue, how can we hope to identify the best solution?

Understanding the issue thoroughly is half the answer; therefore, you should help encourage your candidate to invest time and attention in describing this phase.

Data collection and processing

Stage one requires a significant amount of time and effort. When we study Data Science, we usually have ready-to-use databases at our disposal. In reality, the polar opposite is true! Data has various sources and forms. We can analyze tables, photos, audios, texts originating from social networks, websites, databases, surveys, scanned documents, etc.

The quality of the data relies on the circumstances from which it originates and the treatments are done. Bad data leads to conclusions that appear correct, but are wrong!

Analyze and interpret the data

With the data available, the Data Science team begins the analysis and the solution to the customer’s issue starts to be built. First and foremost, your candidate will want to familiarize themselves with the facts. Then the team can begin to construct one or more intelligent models (nearly often based on machine learning or statistical algorithms) that will utilize the gathered data to spot patterns and trends, produce forecasts, or automate choices and activities.

Share your findings

Data Science courses sometimes overlook the need to effectively communicate their findings to their students. Knowing how to produce beautiful presentations and having a strong narrative are wonderful talents to separate oneself from the profession, but finding a developer who knows how to explain outcomes and avoid technical terminology is crucial.

Make decisions and put them into action

The project’s last phase focuses on putting everything into action. Either we use models to act on the final data, or we make judgments based on our learnings. The first scenario requires communication with everyone involved to identify plans and actions. This interaction is not always feasible, therefore many organizations conceive of options in advance and bring them to the final presentation. In the second case, preparations for implementing the solution have begun. Models may be utilized more punctually and their outputs are given directly to the customer; or used more often, being turned into web apps, allowing real-time usage or even connected to the client’s systems.

Many Data Science businesses leave or are careless after the final delivery – a huge error. To complete the installation, the customer will have concerns and need assistance. End-of-delivery absence jeopardizes implementation and taints an otherwise excellent project.

10) How do you choose an algorithm?

This is the most significant question in this article. Algorithms may approach a problem in several ways, much as machine learning. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which algorithm is best. The issue, the data, and the circumstances will define how best to address the problem, thus your candidate must be well informed of the problem. Knowing the algorithm to utilize for a certain issue sets senior professionals apart from trainees and junior professionals.

The task’s nature

Begin with the most evident. Algorithms for describing and predicting patterns are studied in the discipline of Pattern Recognition. Predicting whether or not something will occur (or be present) while acknowledging some degree of ambiguity is what this term refers to. Choosing a task begins with understanding what you want to accomplish and what type of answer you want to get. Yes, this is a little imprecise.

As a first step in making a decision, developers must be able to differentiate between classification, regression, and clustering. The last recommendation follows: if we’re attempting to anticipate a certain number, it might be difficult to discern between these groups. To forecast a category, regression is necessary. If we’re unsure about the categories, we’ll need to use Clustering instead of classification.

The data

To get the greatest results, a data scientist would tell you, “as many as feasible,” when asked how many samples they need. In pattern recognition, “more” is typically better. However, how much is deemed adequate? Is there any data that we care about?

First, if you don’t have any data, you should endeavor to get it. Without data, learning is impossible. The methods we may use are dictated by the facts we have at our disposal. Supervised approaches may be used if samples have been labeled; unsupervised techniques must be used if samples have not been labeled; reinforcement learning must be used if the task is so complicated that only the reaction to the interaction with the environment can offer effective training.

The quantity of data needed to solve a problem is determined by the nature of the issue. However, some algorithms are more data-hungry than others, and this might be a problem. Since it is more typical to speak in terms of thousands than hundreds, we can see that algorithms have a tendency.

The time

Consider a computer program that uses machine learning to coordinate the activities of an opponent player. This computer algorithm is responsible for calculating a move that maximizes the opponent’s chances of losing at each human action. Besides being correctly built, this software has to be trained before it is made accessible and must function inside the game by responding to an appropriate amount of time before it is released.

Because they need just a single calculation to be performed, techniques like Linear Regression models that rely on parameter optimization take more time and effort during the system training phase. Reward-based learning requires more time to teach but responds quickly during the execution.

The task’s and the algorithm’s complexity

Since most machine learning algorithms use lines to represent or divide space, this is a straightforward explanation. To distinguish between groups, classification, and clustering algorithms draw lines. To represent a trend in data, regression algorithms draw lines. Algorithms rely on the linearity of these interactions. The development team may save a lot of time if they are aware of this fact.

Accuracy of Algorithm and Our Desired Outcome

Accuracy is a must-have term in every machine learning specialist’s toolbox. The performance of an algorithm may be assessed in a variety of ways, but this is the most important one to consider while doing so. Experienced ML developers can bring not only technical prowess, but also a human-centric approach to problem-solving.

The focus here goes beyond just determining which algorithm “gets it right.” A nuclear reactor’s control system must be able to tell whether or not there is a danger of leakage. In this classic classification issue, the choice is between two extremes (leakage vs. no leakage). A leak alarm or no leak alert, which one is worse: the system sending out a notification or not sending one?

False positives are less devastating than false negatives in this situation. Being aware of your preferences in terms of measurement might also be beneficial when making this decision. It is in these instances that a comparison of previously selected algorithms may assist us to make the appropriate decision.

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Intermediate Machine Learning Interview Questions

1) What is hyperparameter optimization?

They utilize architectural transfer across issues of various scopes because “it worked one day,” and so on. Others follow their intuition regarding the number of layers, optimizers, learning rate value, and so on. During the early stages of an investigation, this may make sense.

But you’re not interested in your candidate’s intuitions. What you want to see from your candidate is the process they do through when they make changes to their results. They should address some optimization techniques, especially their advantages and disadvantages._

Parameters and hyperparameters are two critical aspects of a predictive model. As the algorithm learns, its parameters change, impacting how well it performs. When building a predictive model for a dataset, several parameters such as linear regression coefficients, a neural network’s weights, and the kNN neighborhood borders are tweaked.

On the other hand, hyperparameters are variables in the algorithm established before training. The number of neurons in a neural network (or layers) and the number of kNN neighbors are the most valuable properties they reflect. If the hyperparameters are selected incorrectly, the predictive model may become ineffective or perform suboptimally.

Grid search

The hyperparameters will be tested in every possible combination using this method. Basically, it will supply some input values and test all possibilities by visualizing them on a cartesian plane (thus the name grid) (hence the name grid). It will then choose the hyperparameters that have the lowest error.

You would believe that this procedure will take a lengthy time, with an extensive computing effort. However, if it were not for the presence of parallel processing, this would be true.

However, if the hyperparameter and potential value values are significant, it will cost more computationally. For example, imagine we have 5 hyperparameters and 1000 potential values for each. We’re going to attempt 1000⁵, as recommended by grid search since parallel processing isn’t enough in certain circumstances.

Random search

Unlike Grid Search, which examines every possible combination of hyperparameters in the immediate vicinity, Random Search checks just a random subset of these parameters based on the number of samples to be pulled.

It is an alternative to Grid Search when the data collection is too vast or hyperparameters to optimize. Other decision tree hyperparameters may be optimized to demonstrate similar benefits.

Read MoreHyperparameter Optimization Techniques to Improve Your Machine Learning Model’s Performance

2) Explain how the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) works.

The PCA is one of the most famous dimensionality reduction methods and one of more straightforward too. Because of this, it’s important to highlight their advantages and disadvantages. A good candidate is someone who has a deep knowledge of PCA as well as when to use it.

So, the “how” and the “when” is really important here.

Principal Component Analytic or PCA is a multivariate analysis approach that may investigate interrelationships among many variables and explain these variables in terms of their intrinsic dimensions.

The ultimate objective is to condense as much information as possible from several original variables into one or more statistical variables with as little loss as possible.

The number of primary components becomes the number of variables included in the study, although usually, the first components are the most relevant as they explain most of the overall variance.

The covariance matrices are often used to extract principal components; however, the correlation matrices may also be used.

When the covariance matrix is utilized for extraction, the components are impacted by the variables with the largest variance. Thus, when there is a very high disagreement between the variances, the main components are of limited value, as each component tends to be dominated by one variable.

This is often the result of discrepancies in the variables’ scales and units of measurement. Since variables with a grander numerical scale might take the relevance of a component away from it, the correlation matrix must be utilized to isolate it.

Read MoreMathematical Approach to PCA

3. How to handle imbalanced datasets?

This is an essential question to evaluate how flexible your candidates are. There are tons of methods to handle imbalanced datasets. Knowing all of them is clearly not enough if they don’t know where to apply this knowledge.

Also, knowing why to deal with imblanaced datasets and the consequences in the analysis or in the model is critical to understand. And, of course, your candidate should know their strongness and weakness.

This is a common case when you’re obtaining a dataset with a noticeable imbalance between the samples of its distinct classes.

Fraud detection and medical diagnosis problems are two examples of unbalance that are almost certain. It is intuitive to think that there are more legal transactions than criminal ones or that the number of people diagnosed with cancer is much smaller than the number of people without the disease.

The effect on your Data Science project might be significant if you skip the intermediate data balancing step and train an algorithm on top of the original data set.

Consequences of imbalanced data

If you are developing a machine learning model for classification, for example, the effect of this imbalance is that the model will likely provide numerous “false alarms.”

In reality, it will react extremely effectively to inputs for the majority classes but will underperform for the minority classes.

A more significant number of false positives may be preferable than erring on the side of caution. By the way, I guess you have already had your card preventively banned and had to phone your bank to validate the previous transactions you had made, haven’t you?

A dataset is termed imbalanced if any class has more than 50% of the items. However, there are severe cases where you will encounter ratios higher than 99:1.

Unbalanced data may be dealt with in various ways, each having advantages and disadvantages. In this post, I will show you some of the most common tactics you may immediately incorporate into your arsenal.

Methods for dealing with imbalanced datasets

There are numerous strategies to tackle the issue of variable data, ranging from designing particular algorithms to using more complex algorithms such as Recognition-based Learning and Cost-sensitive Learning.

However, a much easier strategy is frequently utilized (with excellent results) — the sampling approach.

To construct a balanced set, the following strategies are generally used:

  • Over-sampling is a statistical technique that uses a subset of the original data to generate new findings of the minority group. Clustering techniques or synthetic methods may be used to create random new entries.
  • Under-sampling: decreases the imbalance of the dataset by concentrating on the dominant class. It randomly removes items from the category having the maximum number of occurrences.

Advantages and drawbacks of each method

According to the No Free Lunch Theorem, a perfect, one-size-fits-all solution doesn’t exist. Every decision is a trade-off; that is Data Science. Before implementing it, stakeholders should know any method’s potential drawbacks and ramifications.

Over-sampling duplicates existing data points by increasing the number of examples of minority classes. The benefit is that no information is destroyed, but the computational cost will be significant, and you will worsen the algorithm’s efficiency for the minority classes.

Under-sampling, on the other hand,* will extract a random subset of the majority class, keeping the features of the minority class, and is suitable for scenarios when you have vast amounts of data. Despite saving on computing and storage resources, this method ignores data from the bulk population, resulting in subpar prediction accuracy.

Read MoreHandling imbalanced datasets in machine learning

4) Explain what regularization is and what it is helpful for.

We have already talked about overfitting and how to deal with them. Regularization is one of the most complex ways to do that. Make sure your candidate at least mentions the most common regularization approaches and their differences. In roles like finance, this question may be one of the most critical interview questions.

One way to simplify a regression model is by regularization. After all, we want to create a basic and generalizable model, which can predict values rapidly and with excellent accuracy.

Another typical issue produced by too many variables is overfitting, a phrase that indicates the model has almost remembered the answers from the training dataset and achieved 100 percent accuracy. A new dataset attempts to generalize the model. However, the model’s performance is dismal.

In both circumstances, regularization might be a helpful method to fix the issue since it eliminates the less essential variables from the model.

Regularization may be thought of as simple as adding bias to a model. Or, to put it another way, this approach inhibits data from being overfitted to reduce variance.

Ridge and Lasso are methods for regularizing our function using penalties in linear regression. Simply said, within a statistical equation of the data, we adjust the components to prioritize particular areas of the equation and minimize overfitting, and increase prediction quality.

Lasso regularization

When using Lasso regularization, commonly known as L1, a penalty is imposed that is proportional to the size of the coefficients. In this method, we claim that this model executes feature selection automatically, creating numerous coefficients with 0 weight; that is, those are disregarded by the model. This helps the understanding of the model, which is a significant benefit.

Ridge regularization

Ridge regularization, also known as L2, applies a penalty equal to the square of the coefficients’ magnitudes. Using the lambda parameter, the Ridge technique penalizes coefficients that take on extremely high values, making them drift toward zero.

This approach smooths out the associated (multicollinear) coefficients, increasing the model’s noise.

Contrary to other models, this one does not remove any coefficients but instead lowers all except the most critical to shallow values before including them into the model.

Read MoreComplete Guide to Regularization Techniques in Machine Learning

5) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of neural networks.

You want to test your candidate if they truly understand this topic by letting them detail the use of neural networks. Also, explain when to prefer more advanced machine learning methods than simple machine learning algorithms. Companies often want to save unnecessary costs, which means, if the problem can be appropriately solved with linear regression, your candidate should not go with neural network.

Models based on artificial neural networks are the ones that have attracted the most attention in recent years for being able to handle AI challenges when little progress could be achieved with other approaches. This provides up a lot of potential for creative growth by practitioners of Deep Learning using them. ANNs are the most exciting class of Machine Learning models for many reasons.

  • They are straightforward, once we have understood linear models;
  • they are pretty intuitive, as they allow the interpretation of learning from hierarchical levels of abstractions;
  • they are very flexible, which makes them ideal for solving the most diverse types of machine learning problems;
  • they are absurdly effective regarding the quality of the results.

However, there are several drawbacks to using artificial neural networks that should be noted. Cons: ANN-based models tend to be large, requiring considerable energy and processing resources. Second, because of the non-convex structure of the cost function, it is exceedingly difficult to train an ANN.

In fact, it was only lately (2008) that the scientific community could teach them effectively, triggering a renaissance of interest in them. In addition, ANNs are prone to overfitting readily, given their enormous capacity. Because of this, in practical terms, when data is not too plentiful (< 10000), the results achieved with ANNs are not typically better than those obtained with other Machine Learning techniques.

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Read MoreA Beginner’s Guide to Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Advanced Machine Learning Interview Questions

1) What is a generative model?

The advanced machine learning interview questions deal with more specific topics in ML. You may not be an expert in generative models or any other preciseness thing. As such, the most valuable ability your candidate can have is the ability to explain complex things to laypersons, even if they aren’t. So, ask them to detail the application, what famous machine learning model is generative, and why.

Discriminative models and generative models vary fundamentally in that:

  • Discriminative models learn the border (rigid or fluid) between classes.
  • The distribution of individual classes may be modeled using generative models.

Because they learn the specific boundaries between classes, SVMs and decision trees are discriminatory. The SVM is a maximum margin classifier, which implies that it retains a decision boundary that maximizes the distance between samples of the two classes, given a kernel. A “flexible” classifier may be created using the distance between a sample and the learned decision boundary. Recursively dividing the space to maximize information acquisition is how DTs learn the decision boundary (or another criterion).

You may conduct a generative kind of logistic regression in this manner. Note that you are not utilizing the whole generative model to make categorization judgments.

Depending on the application, generative models might provide a variety of benefits. It is frequently easier to identify changes in the distribution and update a generative model effectively than for a decision boundary in an SVM, particularly if the online updates need to be unsupervised. Consider the case of nonstationary distributions, where the underlying distributions generating the online test data may vary from those causing the training set.

Discriminative models also often don’t function for extreme value detection, whereas generative models frequently do. Of course, what is optimal for a particular application should be considered depending on the application.

Generative models are frequently stated as probabilistic graphical models, which give comprehensive representations of the independent connections in the data set. It is difficult to understand the links between features and classes in a dataset when using discriminative models.

Instead of employing features to thoroughly describe each class, they concentrate on extensive modeling of the border between types. Given the same amount of capacity (say, bits in a computer program executing the model), a discriminative model may thus construct more complicated representations of this boundary than a generative model.

Read MoreBackground: What is a Generative Model?

2) What is Bayes’ theorem, and how does it work?

This is more of an advanced statistical topic. Usually, because of this, the explanation may be hard to conceptualize. Encourage your candidate to keep it simple when answering this or similar ML engineer interview questions.

Given the available information, E, using probability as a conditional measure of the uncertainty P(H|E) associated with an event H is a branch of Bayesian statistics. As a result, P(H|E) represents the probability that the event E will occur under the set of circumstances reported in the data.

Probabilities may be used to represent all of a problem’s unknowns. In particular, model parameters are handled as random. Even if the parameters aren’t supposed to change, this idea implies that randomness is a way of describing the uncertainty around the actual values. By limiting all statistical inference problems to well-defined probability theory problems, Bayesian statistics also lowers the need to invent new notions.

Bayes’ theorem facilitates the application of one of the fundamental theories of Bayesian statistics, which is Learning by Experiment. To understand this idea, use Bayes’ theorem:

Note that the only knowledge about event H “without experience” is P(H). Suppose now that E has happened. How do you update your understanding of H? That is precisely what Bayes’ theorem achieves.

Bayesian statistics employ this technique to learn about occurrences (random variables). Let’s say you’re interested in learning more about the distribution of a random variable’s parameter. You can only know that this parameter is a priori distribution, generally based on personal experience. You may apply Bayes’ theorem to improve your understanding of the distribution of this random variable if you can collect evidence that represents its actual manifestation.

Read MoreBayes’ Theorem

3) Highlight the differences between Classical and Bayesian statistics.

Being flexible regarding statistics techniques is the key to serious and responsible analysis. The interviewer wants to know if you can explain the main differences between these two methods and see if you can work with any of them if necessary.

A prediction or conclusion about any occurrence is generally the goal of any statistical study, taking some degree of confidence into account. The idea and approach to arrive at the prediction or conclusion vary widely across statistical schools. It’s essential to keep in mind that both rely on probability to draw their conclusions.

The initial distinction between the classical approach (non-parametric techniques, robust methods, assumptions of reality, etc.) and the Bayesian method is connected to the information available. Classical statistics rely on a smaller data collection, but Bayesian statistics use a more extensive data set to draw more thorough conclusions. Another aspect is preliminary information, which is utilized in Bayesian statistics and the data in the analysis via prior knowledge. However, classical statistics are not regarded as a priori information because it is considered personal information.

Classical statistics assume that there is only one value for the parameter investigated, whereas Bayesian statistics recognize numerous alternative parameters. A posteriori distribution is used to draw the conclusions in Bayesian statistics, which uses random parameters and known data to avoid the problem of interference. On the other hand, classical statistics provides that conclusions are regarded with fixed and unknown parameters and the data as random and known.

Read MoreBayesian vs. Frequentist A/B Testing: What’s the Difference?

4) What are ensemble models?

Ensemble models are another key to great results in machine learning. Knowing how to use and when to use them is crucial. With that said, your candidate should know when not to make simple things complex. Using a bomb if you can spray to end a cockroach is just dumb.

In Ensemble Methods, we discover one of the most intriguing phases in machine learning. Each model’s output is used to define a single outcome, resulting in a single final value using these machine learning approaches.

This implies that the aggregate response of all these models will be supplied as the final result for each piece of data being evaluated. When discussing more robust and sophisticated algorithms, we’re not only talking about the higher cost of computing but also about algorithms that perform better overall.

  • RandomForest: this method builds a random forest with multiple decision trees, and to construct each of these trees, the input is not utilized in its entirety. There will be an unexpected stage in creating the nodes of the trees, in which certain variables are picked at random from a pool. Some data samples will be randomly selected via bootstrapping, a resampling approach that permits repeated samples in the selection.
  • ExtraTrees: functions very similarly to RandomForest, with one additional random phase in the process, explaining its name: Extremely Randomized Trees. The determination of the threshold for separating the data also occurs randomly.
  • Boosting: uses prior findings to generate a new model, attempting to improve what went wrong in the previous iteration. Instead of using decision trees, AdaBoost employs “stumps,” a new concept to the last two algorithms. These stumps are decision trees with just one node, and the building of each one will rely on the preceding stump. In other words, each stump is dependent on the others, although this is not the case in RandomForest or ExtraTrees.
  • GradientBoosting: This is one of the most effective techniques for boosting results. It generates decision trees to anticipate the value of the mistakes of the preceding three and utilizes the value of the expected error to determine its ultimate conclusion.
  • Bagging: Its primary goal is to minimize overfitting by generating many machine learning models and taking the average of their results as a final result. We may use whatever machine learning method we choose to tag this task. Depending on the technique used, we may build various models, such as Linear Regression, Knn, Decision Trees, and the like. Each model developed will be different since random samples will be picked to build these models, not all the training data will be included in a single model.

Read More: Phone Screen Interview vs Actual Phone Interview: Learn the Differences

5) Explain how a recommendation system works.

A recommendation system is just about the most well-known machine learning technique because it’s close to public entertainment. With machine learning engineer interview questions like this, the interviewer wants to test your storytelling and your knowledge about this important method.

Let’s consider how Netflix’s recommendation algorithms, which have access to a massive library of content, may be used to provide valuable suggestions.

A good beginning point is acknowledging that we need to know our consumers to provide appropriate suggestions.

Filtering based on content

In this case, one option would be to ask visitors to fill out a survey in which they indicate their preferences for different film genres, actors, and directors, and whether they prefer sad or happy endings.

After then, we’d use these categories to sort the films in our library. The movie Gladiator, for example, may be scored 5 for action, 0 for humor, and 3 for a tragic conclusion.

Finally, we’ll figure out what movies people like and provide recommendations based on that data. Unfortunately, the quality of these suggestions is heavily reliant on how specific the survey is, i.e., how much information people provide about their own preferences. This strategy is known as content-based filtering.

For many firms, requiring clients to submit a detailed questionnaire about their preferences is unfeasible. Also, our preferences vary over time, so such a form would need to be re-evaluated occasionally. This is the situation in our scenario.

Consider what it would be like to fill out a lengthy survey on our viewing habits before using a streaming service. Halfway through, I think I’d give up.

Collaborative filter

We still need to know our consumers, but we have shown that consciously informing us about their preferences is not a successful technique. The use habits of our clients may also be used to infer their preferences. We allow the users to start using the site but ask them to rate the movies they saw to indicate how much they loved the movie. This strategy infers users’ preferences from their use patterns.

Suppose, though, that user “A” has rated the movies Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars favorably. Other users who have given these three films high marks (known as “similar users”) may be used to help narrow down our list of suggested viewing options.

From this, we get suggestions such as, “Users like you also liked: recommendations.” for example. In addition, we may look at films with comparable reviews to round out our selections.

A suggestion of the kind “Why you saw Gladiator: recommendations” will result from this. However, suggesting that two films are comparable because they obtained similar scores may be too simplistically. The same goes for arguing similarities between users based on their ratings of the movies.

Recommendation systems are super convenient tools, especially in a globalized world with an immense diversity of products. We have seen that we need to know our customers to make relevant recommendations, but customers are unlikely to be willing to explicitly tell us more about their preferences.

So one way out is to infer such preferences from usage patterns and thus make recommendations that make sense. The problem is that when fed with a significant amount of data, such algorithms may even influence the behavior of their users.

Read MoreRecommender Systems in Practice

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It’s important to remember that in most interviews, you’re searching for a system while your candidate is looking for a solution. The former depends on your technical abilities, while the latter is all about the procedure they use to display their expertise.

When answering machine learning interview questions, there are certain steps they should follow to assist you in better understanding how they plan to analyze and solve the situation at hand. Encourage your candidate to tell a narrative with their answers. By looking at the 

Their attention is more focused on the wrong response than the correct one. A solution tells a narrative, and your system is the strongest evidence of your expertise and ability to articulate it.

Thanks for reading our guide on the top machine learning interview questions and answers to practice, we hope it helps! If you have any questions or feedback, leave us a note below in the comments area. Good luck with your upcoming ML interview!

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Written by
Dairenkon Majime