The demand for developers has been rising… and so have developer salaries.
In 2021, the average salary of a software developer in the US was $110,638. Junior developers earn about an average of $103,382 per year, while senior engineers or developers with six to nine years of experience earn about $121,488. To explore more remote developer salaries (based on years of experience and industry), check out our salary database.
So if these salaries have got you curious about the state of the hiring market, you’re in the right place. We’ve curated a list of companies offering high-paying remote developer jobs with salaries over $100k+ right now.
And if you’re not seeing your dream position? Head over to our remote job search platform, where companies apply to you. We feature developers like you to companies and help you land a remote job in 14 days. Learn more and apply to get featured here.
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1. DuckDuckGo

Year Founded: 2008
Headquarters: Paoli, PA
Industry: Office Administrative Services
Total Funding Received: $172M
Glassdoor Rating: 5.0
DuckDuckGo is an internet privacy company for everyone who doesn’t want to be tracked online. It takes pride in delivering simplified and accessible products for all. DuckDuckGo has grown to 170+ employees from 15 countries.
Since 2014, the company has been profitable – according to the founder’s post last year, it already exceeds $100M a year. DuckDuckGo is expected to rapidly grow and currently has high-paying remote developer jobs positions available.
2. Help Scout

Year Founded: 2011
Headquarters: Boston, MA
Industry: Computer Software
Total Funding Received: $28M
Glassdoor Rating: 4.8/5.0
Help Scout is a global remote firm that helps companies deliver outstanding customer service to their clients. It is laser-focused on empowering customer support teams by providing exceptional customer service solutions. Currently, their product powers up 12,000+ CS teams in over 140 countries.
3. Insightly

Year Founded: 2009
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Industry: Software
Total Funding Received: $50M
Glassdoor Rating: 3.3/5.0
Managing and streamlining your sales-process play a large role in a company’s success. Insightly provides customizable and easy-to-use CRM solutions for businesses in a variety of industries. They are the most popular CRM software provider for Google and Office 365 users, with about 1.5 million users in 25,000 companies across the globe.
With Insightly, companies can manage all their customers’ data in one place, build customer relationships, increase sales, and more!
If you’re looking for more CRM tools to manage and streamline your sales process efficiently,
Read More: Tech Companies Hiring Remote Developers in the UK
4. Amount

Year Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Chicago, IL
Industry: Banking and Finance
Total Funding Received: $243M
Glassdoor Rating: 3.9/5.0
Amount was built to accelerate digital transformation and power up the growth opportunities of financial institutions. They help their partners optimize their delivery of retail banking services to their customers. Amount’s clients include financial institutions collectively managing around $1T in US assets with more than 25M US customers.
5. Twilio

Year Founded: 2008
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Industry: Information technology
Total Funding Received: $616.4M
Glassdoor Rating: 4.3/5
As a customer engagement platform, Twilio reinvents telecom by enabling users to use standard web languages to build voice, VoIP, and SMS apps via a web API. They empower businesses and IT teams to make communication with their clients more personalized. Twilio is used by hundreds of thousands of companies and more than ten million developers worldwide.
6. Zwift
Year Founded: 2014
Headquarters: Long Beach, CA
Industry: Sports
Total Funding Received: $243M
Glassdoor Rating: 3.9/5
A company born from gaming, Zwift is a platform that makes indoor training fun by presenting workouts in a video game style.
Read More: Andreessen Horowitz-Funded Crypto Companies Hiring Remotely Right Now
7. Certik
Year Founded: 2018
Headquarters: New York, NY
Industry: Blockchain, Cyber Security
Total Funding Received: $152.2M
Glassdoor Rating: 4.0/5
Certik is a pioneering firm in blockchain security. They conduct security audits for blockchain protocols, smart contracts, wallets, and Web3 apps.
8. Hinge Health

Year Founded: 2014
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Industry: Healthcare
Total Funding Received: $1B
Glassdoor Rating: 3.9/5
Hinge Health provides a digital healthcare solution for people with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. It’s the world’s first patient-centered clinic for back and joint pain and is currently the leading Digital MSK Clinic. Hinge Health has partnered with over 600 employers and health plans.
9. Mode

Year Founded: 2013
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Industry: Analytics
Total Funding Received: $81M
Glassdoor Rating: 3.7/5
Mode revolutionizes the data industry with its modern analytics platform enabling data analysts and scientists to analyze, visualize, and share data. It’s known for its intuitive interface and collaboration features.
Read More: Forbes’s Best US Startups Hiring Now for Remote Developers
10. Checkr

Year Founded: 2014
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
Industry: Business Products and Software Services
Total Funding Received: $559M
Glassdoor Rating: 4.0/5
Checkr is a modern background check platform valued at $5B. It helps retail companies of all types and sizes speed up their hiring process. They use technology to make the process more efficient and increase a firm’s conversion rate.
If you’re a developer looking to work for fast-growing remote startups like these – we can help!
Arc is a radically different remote job search platform where companies apply to you. We feature developers directly to tech companies and startups and help you land a remote job in 14 days. Learn more here.
Disclaimer: Arc does not claim ownership of mentioned platforms’ logos, slogans, and trademarks, which were used for descriptive purposes only. All logos, slogans, and trademarks belong to their respective owners. We are not affiliated with or sponsored by the platforms mentioned in this post. The information provided is based on our research, and we do not claim that any of the information was approved by third parties (e.g. the platforms mentioned in this post). Platform service offers also change over time. We encourage all readers to do their own research to find the most current information.
Time of writing: 4 March 2022
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