Remote developer salary

Remote Developer Salary Database

Explore real salaries from thousands of remote developers worldwide to know where you stand. And share your salary to help others.

Here are the actual salaries shared by developers around the world. Submissions are updated in real-time in the table below.

Country Based
Years of Experience
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Help more remote developers earn what they deserve by sharing what you earn.


Arc is a remote career platform. We make it easier for developers to find remote jobs so they can build amazing careers from anywhere. Arc’s Featured Developers program features your profile directly to companies for two weeks and gets them to apply to you. If you’re a senior developer looking for permanent remote roles at fast-growing tech companies or startups, this program is for you. In addition, Arc offers other remote job search tools for developers including Resume Builder and remote job discovery that aggregates jobs from around the web. Both full-time permanent and contract jobs are available.

There are different factors that affect a developer’s salary, including tech stacks, seniority, education, location, etc. It’s time to understand the relationships (if any) between these factors and how they impact the actual pay developers receive. By having access to more salary information, developers can negotiate better with future employers worldwide and earn what they deserve.

Arc started a survey in December 2021 asking remote developers to share their salaries to increase global pay transparency. This survey is ongoing, and the database is continually updated as new submissions are received.

We've only lightly adjusted the data to remove extreme outliers that would skew the database. All valid entries are included.

Remote software developers worldwide.

This is a database for all remote developers around the world.

We will only show the relevant salary info in the public table. No personal info will be disclosed.

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Thanks to the following companies for supporting this salary transparency initiative

Land a remote developer job in 14 days

If you’re a senior developer and want to earn more by working remotely, let’s talk. Arc helps senior developers get featured to companies to find permanent remote roles at fast-growing tech companies and startups.

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