12+ Best Python Job Boards & Career Sites for Python Developers

best python job boards for finding python jobs for developers and software engineers

Looking for Python job boards? We’ve got the best ones here, perfect for Python developers, data scientists, ML engineers, and more!

The internet is the most important resource for any job hunt — including when searching for Python developer jobs.

Regardless of whether you’re looking for your first Python job, looking to make the switch from full-time to freelance, or hopping onto the remote work train, finding a new job that perfectly matches your needs and Python skills can be overwhelming.

However, Python job boards make that process much easier — provided you use the right job sites. And that’s something we want to help with, which is why we’ve created an in-depth list of the best Python job boards and career sites!

Between the dozens of job sites we’ve listed here, you’re bound to find a bunch of opportunities that could lead to your next Python coding job!

Check out our entire range of job board resources to narrow down and choose one that fits your employment needs best:

Or, you can visit our high-level guide documenting the best job boards for software developers.

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Now, on to the rest of the best Python job boards out there —

Here are some other tried-and-true job search websites that can put great Python opportunities on your radar.

Top Python-Specific Job Boards

While you can find plenty of Python programming jobs on general job boards, more experienced Python software engineers also routinely use a bunch of Python-specific job boards to find work. We’ll go over some of the most often-used ones below.

Python.org Jobs

Before you go looking for Python jobs anywhere else, making the official Python.org job board your first stop is probably a good idea. This is the ideal place to find a Python job, seeing as the website is maintained by the Python Software Foundation itself.

The job board is quite simplistic and effective. There are always hundreds of advertised positions, and you can filter all the jobs according to four basic criteria: job locations, job types, and job categories.

The “categories” refer to the specific roles you’re looking for (researcher, manager, developer, or data analyst), while the “types” describe the Python niches of the various advertised jobs. There, you can pick between everything from machine learning to image processing and Big Data jobs.

PyCoder’s Jobs

If the “PyCoder” part sounds familiar, it’s because the folks behind the PyCoder’s Jobs are the very same people who maintain PyCoder’s Weekly — a popular Python newsletter delivered to around 100,000 subscribers every week, and followed by even more people on Twitter.

Naturally, this kind of vibrant community of Python developers and enthusiasts is the perfect critical mass needed for a well-populated job board. As a job seeker, you can create a profile that highlights your skills, resume, and location preferences — these days, remote jobs are more popular than ever.

Once you’ve provided all the necessary information, PyCoder’s Jobs will regularly email all relevant job opportunities — especially when a specific employer is a great match for your profile. And you can also browse the job board yourself, of course.

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Django Jobs

Django is one of the most prospective Python niches. As a web framework that promotes clean design and fast-paced development of secure and easy-to-maintain websites, it’s garnered a lot of attention from developers around the world. If you want to gather data from websites built with Django, you might want to consider learning web scraping in Python to efficiently extract the information you need.

And if you’re a Django-proficient Python programmer, you’ll find that Django Jobs is a great place to find work as a Django developer. After registering and completing your developer profile, you can browse the job board and apply to various opportunities. Also, you can follow the Django Jobs Twitter account or subscribe to their newsletter for frequent updates regarding newly advertised positions.

The job board itself is fairly simplistic and easy to navigate. And while the quality of individual job ads depends on the companies posting them, there’s a separate section for the most important information: the specific position, work schedule (part-time, full-time, or freelance), and the availability of remote work and relocation packages.

There’s also a salary section, though most companies don’t just post their salary range publicly.

The Free Python Job Board

There are countless exciting open-source Python projects out there — including a Git-based Python job board, creatively called the Free Python Job Board. It’s a simple static website created with Hyde, a static website generator, and hosted on GitHub.

All the Python job ads posted here are actually submitted through GitHub, just like any other Git repository. The website itself is quite rudimentary but effective at its purpose — being a Python job board for programmers, by programmers. 

There aren’t any membership fees for job seekers or recruiters — and anyone can make changes to posts; though in practice, all changes are subject to review by the site’s curators, and they’ll frequently edit job ads to improve style, grammar, and spelling.

The main downside for job-seeking Python programmers is that there are no additional features beyond the job board itself — you can’t create a profile with your resume, or receive a newsletter with new openings. Beyond manually scrolling through the list of available jobs, you can only filter them by location or search them by name. Plus, there’s no way to apply through the job board — you’re always led to individual company websites.

However, seeing as most of the job ads are posted by other programmers or more tech-savvy recruiters, they tend to be more informative than on most other job boards.

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Next up, we’ve got a neat Python website built on the boardengine.io technology. The people behind it have their own SaaS solution for job boards, and they demonstrate the effectiveness of their Job Board Engine by continuously maintaining 6 different job boards for developers. One of these is PythonJob.xyz.

For job seekers, the interface is relatively simple. You can browse a list of all of the jobs currently available on the platform, or you can filter them by country, skill, and remote availability. The only downside to these filters is that you can only filter jobs by a single skill at a time — which isn’t very practical compared to most other job boards where you can check multiple skills at once.

Beyond that, everything works as it should. You can choose to display job openings in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Germany, and Canada — or all of the above. Also, you can search for remote-only, partially remote, and fully in-office jobs.

It’s also worth noting that, besides their Python job board, the same company also maintains near-identical Rust, React, JavaScript, and Golang job boards; as well as a job board for full-stack developers.

Remote Python

As you may have noticed, remote jobs have been all the rage since 2020 and the start COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why more and more job sites are showcasing remote jobs as a separate, highly sought-after category — and some job boards are specifically created with remote work in mind.

When it comes to specifically Python programming jobs, Remote Python is one of the more popular remote-only Python job boards. Just like in most other places, you can filter job ads based on the primary Python skills used in the roles, their location, and the type of employment companies offer (part-time, full-time, contract).

Apart from browsing the list of opportunities advertised on the job board, you can also subscribe to the Remote Python RSS feed or email newsletter to receive regular updates. And there’s also a Facebook group and a Twitter account created with the same purpose.

As a developer, you can create a profile that’s visible to companies — though it’s quite elementary, containing only your location, preferred role and Python framework, and other skills you’d like to share with employers.

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General Job Boards For Python Programmers

While specialist job boards for Python programmers yield plenty of job opportunities, there’s still a lot of value to be found on traditional, generic job boards. This is especially true if your title isn’t a Python software engineer but perhaps a data scientist, data analyst, machine learning engineer, or QA specialist, for example.

These websites don’t specifically cater to this popular coding language, but they make up for a lack of specificity with the sheer quantity of job ads. You can find great openings for Python roles and jobs that require Python on each of them.

Here are the best general websites for jobs in and around Python out there:


These days, there’s really no way to discuss a job hunt without at least mentioning LinkedIn. Initially touted as the “Professionals’ Facebook”, this social networking platform has very much lived up to that name. Regardless of what kind of position you’re looking for in whatever industry — chances are that you won’t go wrong by starting your job hunt on LinkedIn.

This is particularly true for the IT industry, where practically everyone has at least a rudimentary LinkedIn profile or page. There’s an entire subindustry of recruiters who specialize in finding the best possible talent specifically on LinkedIn.

So, what can this professional networking platform do for you? For starters, it’s the most global of all generic job boards — with over 500,000 users from more than 200 countries. If you want to find Python job opportunities in your native, non-English language — LinkedIn is your safest bet, as it’s available in hundreds of languages.

Also, LinkedIn has the most detailed profiling features — you won’t find a platform that lets you sculpt your virtual resume in more detail. You can create a beautiful mosaic of your skills, education, certificates, and professional experience.

Plus, it’s a vital networking tool — allowing you to weave a web of colleagues and friends with professional connections. If you’re a senior Python developer with lots of experience, you can easily show future employers precisely where you’ve worked before. And if you’re after entry-level Python jobs, you can still showcase your education in incredible detail and make yourself available to the biggest pool of recruiters and companies in the world.

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When it comes to general job boards for developers, Monster is another global platform that’s worth your time — and no, it’s got nothing to do with the popular energy drink brand.

Apart from some unfortunate branding, Monster Jobs allows you to post your resume, browse job openings, and learn Glassdoor-esque information about the various companies that advertise on the platform. For example, you can compare salaries for the same position in different cities, or different positions in the same location. Also, there are plenty of reviews for most employers who post their job ads here — you won’t have to waste time doing a lot of research on them online.

At all times, there are hundreds of thousands of Python jobs available on Monster — and they’ve got some useful advice on creating a great portfolio and resume on their blog.

Compared to LinkedIn, Monster doesn’t place as much emphasis on the social networking aspects of your professional life — it’s more similar to a traditional job board.


Most people who’ve looked for a job online have also heard of Indeed — the most popular job aggregator in North America. And if you’re not familiar with the term, job aggregators are just what they sound like — job boards that, apart from the ads directly posted by companies, also collect job ads from other websites; places like professional associations, private companies, job boards of recruiting agencies, etc.

Indeed is the biggest one. And since it opened its virtual doors to prospective job seekers in 2010, it’s spread to 60 different countries and millions of users.

The crux of the platform is Indeed’s well-designed search engine, which allows you to sort and filter results in-depth and set extremely specific preferences. As a Python developer, it’s easy to filter jobs by all kinds of criteria — from the usual stuff like location and remote availability to salary estimates, locations, education requirements, experience levels, and even security clearance types.

Indeed also hosts in-depth reviews of individual companies, where existing or ex-employees rate companies based on the company culture, management, opportunities for advancement, compensation & benefits, and work-life balance.

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If you’re looking for a decent general job board as a Python programmer, Jooble is a good option for users all around the world. The website is simple, easy to use, and available in over 70 countries.

There’s not much fuss or advanced features here — it’s a simple, but effective job aggregator. You get a search box, and hundreds of thousands of search results for pretty much every kind of job out there. There are no annoying distractions or unnecessary bells and whistles — just a long list of search results and a couple of filters.

You can filter Python job descriptions by the date when they were posted, the type of employment on offer, the salary range, location, and work experience. There’s nothing unique here in terms of features, and the main draw of Jooble is clearly its incredibly wide reach as a job aggregator. The website has one of the biggest pools of job ads ever, and they even collect jobs from newspapers — not to mention recruiter and corporate pages, or countless other niche job boards.

Stack Overflow

Anyone who’s ever needed programming advice or help with a coding problem — in other words, everyone who’s ever worked in programming — has turned to Stack Overflow countless times. It’s the biggest coding Q&A website on the planet, making it a valuable resource for junior and senior Python devs alike.

However, coding advice isn’t the only reason why Stack Overflow is a worthy browser bookmark — or at least it was, until March 2022. Unfortunately for job seekers everywhere, Stack Overflow decided to shut down its job board and focus more on employer branding services.

Still, websites like RemoteOk have successfully emulated the utilitarian design of the now-defunct Stack Overflow job board, with customizable filters and an extremely visual interface.

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Not everyone wants a 9-to-5, full-time job — especially in the era of remote work. And if your aim is to be a freelance Python developer, Upwork is probably the platform with the widest range of jobs and employers.

Right now, it’s got over 5 million registered employers, and millions of jobs are posted there every year. It’s the biggest freelance platform on the planet, and there’s no debating those numbers.

However, bear in mind that succeeding on Upwork or its competitors requires more than great coding knowledge. Creating a great profile and marketing your services in competition with other freelancers can be tedious, and take up a lot of your time and energy. Still, if you value freedom over continuity, you’ll always find tons of projects to apply to here.

Good Luck!

There are countless Python jobs out there, especially if you’re after a remote position.

And now you know that you’ve got plenty of options to choose from and plenty of places where you can look for a job. All that’s left for you to do is to start applying.

So — what are you waiting for? Good luck on your Python job hunt!

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Written by
Christian Eilers