Pool Stats with Just a Phone
Some members of the team work remotely, while others are co-located in one or more offices.

About Railbird

Railbird is a computer vision company that enables pool players to record, analyze, and improve their pool games. Our software uses computer vision to capture and quantify features around shots such as cue object angle, cue object distance, speed, what the intended pocket was, and whether the shot is a make or miss.

What Railbird is building

Railbird product / service
Railbird product / service
Railbird product / service
  1. Record your Game :Play Pool as you normally would. Setup a camera with a few easy steps.\
  2. Leverage Railbird : Railbird converts your video into a computational reference point and analyzes your data.
  3. Track & Improve : Use stats, highlights, replays, drills and more to take your game to another level.

Technologies used at Railbird

Back-End (2)

Railbird Remote Jobs